If you have been in Web marketing for any amount of time you know that backlink developing can give a huge boost to your online business. Time was that individuals used to trade links with different websites as a way to build up the quantity of backlinks they had. Now that so much has changed within the major search engines the question becomes, is it still truly worth all the trouble? In this article we are going to be looking at just that, in order to let you know the answer.
Let me start off by explaining what a backlink is, a backlink is a website link that is on one web site that points to a different website. For the most part you'll find that the various search engines count these kinds of backlinks as a popularity vote for your website. And when you can build a large amount of links the search engines will reward your website with much better rankings in their results. When it relates to the value of each backlink you'll find that some backlinks have better value than others. If you have a link on a link page of an Internet site that has a page ranking of 5 you will find that the backlink would be really worth more if it was actually on the home page. You need to check out the actual page rank where your backlink is located to ascertain its value, but the home page rank may make a slight difference in value.
When individuals trade links with other Internet sites normally those other websites have a separate web page on their site where they place the link for your website. So you're not receiving the same results from that backlink, that you would from the home page of that website. Another thing you need to remember about these link Internet pages is that your link might be surrounded by hundreds of other links. Google does not like to see this type of thing so obviously these links are not really counted.
Something else that many of you know is that Google favors one way links as opposed to link exchanges. Just so you realize, an one way link is just what it sounds like, you obtain a link from a site but you don't need to link back to them. When Google views one way links they offer that link more power than a link that has been exchanged. You may also find sites that Google has de-indexed and if you wind up trading links with them you can hurt your own rankings. Of course it's not your objective to have Google dislike you, nevertheless it can happen if you trade links with the wrong websites.
The only time trading backlinks can provide rewards for you is when the web page where your backlink is has a good page rank and a great deal of traffic. If your website link ends up getting hidden on some deeper page in the site there is a very good chance that the page where your backlink is, isn't even indexed by Google. The problem is that most sites that trade backlinks actually have some sort of links page that doesn't get indexed. To sum up, when you are able your better off creating one way links and you can find ways to accomplish this, but swapping links is a thing that is going by the wayside.
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