Search engine spiders, or the mechanisms that crawl through a site to see how good it is, now reflect a surprisingly human ethos when judging how content rich and popular a site is. Search engines have modified their ranking practices in response to unethical techniques designed to unfairly put websites to the top of search listings. The focus of the Internet keyword search has shifted back to keyword, quality and relevance to static content and the popularity of a site.
As humans do, the spiders now look for incoming links to a site, or indications that other sites actually like the content on a particular site and have recommended it by linking to it. The most efficient types of links to the spider are one-way links, or links that only go from one site to another. This particular quirk is to keep people from simply trading a bunch of unrelated links between two sites to drive up the popularity inorganically.
One-way links are now one of the most important criteria a search engine considers when it is time to rank sites, and as such, one-way link building companies are now touting one-way link building software to webmasters, some products better than others. Many products still attempt to use unethical techniques, but the spiders have a remedy for that as well. Companies using ethical link building get the best long-term results without concern for penalties in search engine results page rankings?
A few years ago, a site could increase its popularity overnight by listing itself in unscrupulous online directories, created solely for the purpose of one-way link building to anyone who could pay for it. These directories were virtually useless to the average user, as the linked sites followed no order. Sometimes these directories were not even made available for public use, like storing books in a library that had been boarded up. Nonetheless, these unscrupulous sites would pop up on the results front pages, and most would be littered with spam, pop-ups, and malware.
Search engine spiders now ascertain not only the number of one-way links a site has, but also the reputation of the site doing the link building. This stopped many of the unscrupulous directories from having an effect. To solidify the process, search engines also implemented a blacklisting policy for any site found employing these formerly common techniques.
The result of these actions and upgrades is an online environment of more integrity than the general public has ever seen before. Search engines, as the gatekeepers of the Web's information, were commended by many for taking it upon themselves to police their ranking systems, and they continue to do so. As such, ethical link building services are finally in the forefront of the Internet as not only a viable, but actually the preferred way to do business.
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