Before starting to present you the list of tricks that could help you improve your seo you should take into consideration the possibility of hiring a company that can provide you the seo services you need. These search engine optimization providers can help you choose the most appropriate keywords for your business and increase your rank on the most popular search engines.
If you decide putting this activity into someone elses hands you should think twice before choosing your seo services. Do some research and find out which are the most reputable and trustworthy companies and than compare the prices in order to choose the option that fit you best. There for, a professional seo provider would offer you the possibility to keep track of their work and inform you of their activity in every stage of the process: choosing the keywords (between 4 and 6 phrases); choosing the search engines on which is best for your business to be present etc.
Coming back to the situation where you decide to develop the seo process yourself, without specialized companies help, here are a few tips on how to improve your activity and increase the efficiency of your efforts. Even if this alternative is much cheaper than hiring a SEO service provider, it doesnt mean that it cannot be as efficient. In order to obtain the best results you should take into consideration the next recommendations:
1. Tag the Keywords
This doesnt mean that you will use the tags every time the keywords are used, but once on every page is recommended to use them around some of your keywords.
2. Frequent Linking on Every Page
A good site contains links on many pages of its content. Deep linking brings value to your website by helping it resist longer in time, highlighting that the content is worth it. If all the links present on your website are only coming in to your homepage the search engine will label your website as boring and worthless.
3. Use Social Bookmarking
Create valuable links for the search engines, as this process in very easy due to the wide range of free social bookmarking platforms available, in order to help your visitors to social bookmark your website easier.
4. Move Your Business Abroad
If you business can be addressed to the Canadian or UK markets, go for it, as there are many special sections for websites of companies based in those countries.
5. Place Text Links before Image Links
You should make sure that the first link that appear in the source code are the text links as search engine robots only follow the first link to any page they find, they wont follow more links to the same site. Therefore, if image links are a must have for your navigation bar, make sure to place them after the text links.
6. Publish Newsletters
Send written articles to publisher in your area of expertise and choose the ones that archive and keep their work. This way your links will be present a longer period of time in their archives, even years.
7. Divide Your Business
If your business can treat different areas and each topic can stand alone and sustain its own website it is a good idea to break it into multiple domains. This way you will have a series of advantages. In the first place you will be present in more domains and your page could appear more often as the search engines usually list only one page from a domain for any search. On the other hand, you can get more directory listing due to the fact that they usually accept only home pages.
8. Give Titles to Your Links
This can help the website to be more relevant for the search engines and, at the same time, visitors will be more satisfied to see where they are sent to when clicking the link posted on your website.
9. Make Use of Article Exchanges
This technique is very much like the link exchange, which enjoys more popularity, but it is much more efficient and useful. Do some research on relevant sites for your companys activity, even a competitor of yours, and then make a deal with it to exchange some articles that will be posted on your websites. You will publish their article on your website with a link to their page and they will post your article on their page to a link back to your website. This is a win-win situation as you both have content and high quality links.
10. Use a Site Map
If your websites content has a large size a site map is a must-have in order to make it easier for your visitors to surf on it and, also, to help search engine robots find every page faster. The site map should be linked to from every websites page. Despite what you might think, even smaller sites need a site map.
To draw a conclusion, besides the above list, there are a lot more search engine optimization recommendations that can help you improve your work and increase your profits, but these are enough for the beginning. If they are entirely followed you will see an important improvement of your position in the search engines lists.
Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques
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