The resource you use to buy web site traffic should be the one that will give you the most leverage. For example, whether you are a startup business or existing small business owner, you probably have too many of those proverbial hats on your head.
You are already doing too much to run your business and manage your life. In this case, you need to assess what your best skills are and how to use those that will best benefit your business. You should find ways to delegate the rest. You do not need employees to do this. It is far cheaper to have virtual help for anything that you cannot do yourself. This eliminates all the costs that are inherent with employees (workers compensation, unemployment insurance etc.) and allows you to pick and choose the experts that are needed only when you need them. This applies to everything from administrative secretarial services to an expert to outsource SEO.
Of course, if you are not overly busy and are short on money, then you may be buying web site traffic with your own labors. This is not the best choice, and if possible it should be the last choice. Why? When you buy website traffic with your own labors, you will be investing a lot of time and energy with a return on your efforts that will make you cry (at least initially). This is why so many small businesses give up before very long. The amount of time and energy to get results is more than most individuals can handle. In order to get results, they will be sacrificing attention to other tasks that are required by a small business. This is not to say that it cannot be done; it is to say that this is usually the slow and painful route.
The slow and painful route is why so many do-it-yourselfers start to get desperate and begin spamming social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter with obnoxious self promoting messages. Soft selling skills, permission marketing and participation marketing get thrown to the wayside. Interruption marketing starts to rein supreme, in a rash attempt to seed the universe with links and create a shortcut to massive website traffic. Individuals who buy website traffic this way seldom succeed and often burn out along with their websites.
Even though it may run counter intuitive to many small business owners and entrepreneurs (who really like to do things themselves), the best way to buy web site traffic is to outsource seo to experts. And I do mean experts. You must be wary of individuals and seo companies who will guarantee traffic. This is an unethical thing to do. There are just too many variables online to make this kind of promise which is basically made to get you to commit to using their services.
There are also very many individuals and seo companies who claim to be experts when in fact they are only familiar with a small segment of seo and website traffic.
As a matter of fact, seo (search engine optimization), is really only one (although a very complex one) of many search engine marketing strategies that can drive traffic to your site. These other strategies include social media optimization, PPC (pay per click) campaign management and developing an affiliate program for your site. The budget and return on each of these will depend on the small business owner's needs and niche.
Clearly, there are many ways to buy web site traffic. Paying for ads is the first that comes to mind, but it truly is only one of many. Those who complain that PPC doesn't work are those who probably managed their PPC campaigns themselves. Properly managed PPC campaigns will more than pay for themselves.
So, it seems that the best way to buy web site traffic is by using a method that gets maximum leverage (no matter what your budget is). This is done by using experts to outsource SEO, PPC campaigns and well...anything that leaves you free to do your best work on your business.
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