SEO Article Marketing Secrets

Learn the best SEO Article Marketing Secrets for using article directories and article submissions for free backlinks and traffic.

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Benefits of Directory submission - Website Promotion - Online Promotion

Directory submission service has a fair share of advantages and disadvantages. One major problem is that there is no standard procedure to regulate the formation of keyword phrases. This can cause many problems since the tag system rely on humans and not machines. A few years back there were certain software programs used for tag based system. However, this later changed when people realized that humans can be more productive that software programs.

Search engine optimization experts universally recommend against these types of programs, for various reasons which are discussed toward the end of this article. The good news for webmasters is that it doesn't cost anything to be listed in Google, Yahoo, or MSN, and you can easily submit your site directly to the search engines at no cost, and with no gimmicks. You can submit your website to different web directories with the help of various methods. A website can be submitted to web directories manually or with the help of a semi automatic software. Some seo companies also offer directory submission services. If you want to submit your site to several directories you should pay attention on the quality of directories.

Advantages of Directorory submission

One-way links :-Search engines place a premium on one-way links rather than reciprocal links, and directories are a great way to obtain those valuable one-way links. SE also place great value on links from sites that are well-established and are relevant to your market niche. Since directories allow you to place your listing in the categories that most closely fit with your product or service, you can rest assured that search engines will consider these links relevant. And you have the option of choosing older, more well-established directories that will show search engines that your links come from authoritative websites.

Search engine listings- Once you submit your site to a directory and your site is listed, it will only be a matter of days before the major search engines begin listing your URL as well. Robots are constantly searching for new websites and will find your website fast if it is listed in a directory.

Keyword relevance -Having your site listed in a web directory can help build keyword relevance, which in turn results in more traffic to your website.

Brand awareness-Directory submission is essential for increasing brand awarenessAffordability.seoprofessionals would be able to recommend the appropriate keyword search mechanisms, enhance your website to make it more appealing to your target audience, and submit it to the search engines making sure that the approach employed adheres to their algorithms and integrity of their environment.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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