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Sunday, February 3, 2013

IbusinessPromoter Search Engine Submission, Linking and Social Bookmarking Tools - Search Engines

Search engine submission, link building, and social bookmarking. IbusinessPromoter performs all of these tasks in a professional manner. This software is not spamming software.

When submitting to a search engine the software doesn't try and trick the search engine. It submits your website exactly like you would if you were doing it manually. The software opens an Internet Explorer window outside the visible area of your computer screen and goes to the search engine submission page. It automatically enters all required information in the right edit fields and clicks the Submit button for you.

For those search engines that require a validation code to be entered by you, IbusinessPromoter fills out all the forms for you. You just enter the code and submit. It also creates submission reports for you.

You need good quality inbound links to get high rankings on the search engines. The websites that link to your site should be related to your site and be from high quality websites that search engines have already ranked high. The software helps you get high quality inbound links. Your website will be less dependent on search engines. Your search engine rank will get better at the same time.

Social bookmarking can help you increase traffic to your website and generate a large number of inbound links to your site. You must have an account at each one of these sites. These accounts are usually free of charge to set up. The software doesn't automatically create these accounts for you or bulk submit to these sites.IBP will automatically fill-out the form for you and you will save a lot of time while submitting your website to as many social bookmark services as possible as quickly as possible.

IbusinessPromoter software tools promote a website in a professional way and increases target traffic.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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