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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Search Engine Submissions: An Effective Way to Promote Websites - Search Engines - SE Optimization

Search engine submission includes the act of submitting specific URLs to popular search engines like Google, MSN and Yahoo, to ensure the webpage get indexed. Search engine submission is one of the ways to promote a website. There are two basic reasons of submitting a web site or web page to a search engine. The first reason is to add an entirely new web site as the site operators should not wait for a search engines to find them out. The second is to have web pages or web sites updated in the individual search engine.How web sites are submittedThere are basically two popular methods of search engine submissions still in use today. One web page can be submitted at a time. Or, the entire website can be submitted at one time with a sitemap. However, most of the search engines are able to crawl a site with just submission of the home page, provided it is crawler friendly. Webmasters need to optimize their web pages in order to get a good placement in various search engines. V ariables like the placement and density of desirable keywords, the hierarchy structure of web pages employed in a web site, the number of web pages that link to a given web page etc., are taken into consideration. For Google the concept of page rank is important as well.Web sites desire to be listed in top positions in search engines result pages because that is how most people access web sites. Sites that appear on the first page of a search are said to be in the top 10. What Exactly Is Involved In Search Engine SubmissionSearch engine submission is more than the act of submitting your website's URL to the search engines so that they know your website exists, list you in their index and start sending traffic your way. With the basic assumption remaining true, there are a number of faults which reveal search engine submission to be little more than simply a "hello" to the search engines. First, search engines mostly find websites by following hyperlinks from other sites.Ther efore, quality webpage content and quality links play key role in online business. The fact that a search engine knows you exist, doesn't mean that it will simply "send" traffic to your site. As millions and billions of pages are there to compete with yours, search engines may not drive traffic to your site just because you have adopted the process of search engine submission. Hence, though you submit your URL to the search engines it is still highly improbable that they will start sending significant traffic to your website. The Flip Side of Search engine submissionWithout proper procedure, Search engine submission of a website can cause a site or web page to be removed from search engine databases. On the other hand, Successful search engine submission can get a huge reward to webmaster's hard work. URL search engine submission of any website is full of drawbacks for the honest hard working webmaster or web administrator. Many factors are responsible for the rejection of S earch engine submission of a web page or web site. Many of the webmasters are unaware of the fact that, the choice of a wrong web hosting server may lead to certain URL search engine submission failure of any website. Now, more and more businesses are realizing the fact that in order to survive in the field of online business, search engine submission is crucial. Those who are not yet aware of the actualities of how search engine submissions works are eagerly signing on, not realizing that they could be wasting their money, and worse, distancing themselves from the search engines instead of getting closer to the top of the rankings pages.If you're too busy running your online business to get involved with the technical end of search engine submission, or the task seems somewhat confusing, you can hire a reputable company to do it for you.

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