SEO Article Marketing Secrets

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

SEO services will get traffic to your website. - Search Engines

These days, the success of a website rests very much on how well it has been optimized for the search engines. Increasingly more web users are using internet search engines to find the products or services they want to access. Those website owners that have not used seo services are finding that their sites rankings are very poor and the search engines are simply not finding them on the web. It doesnt matter how good the website is, how good the marketing, the pictures or the promotion. If no one can find the site due to lack of seo services it will all have been a complete waste of time and money. Suitable seo services will go through several factors to make sure that the site is ranking at its optim um and will guarantee an increase in traffic to the site.

The first step is to analyze the existing website. There are two factors to consider when doing this: checking that the coding, the keywords, the use of meta tags and the general set up of the site itself; then an analysis of the site from the perspective of the end user to ensure that it is user friendly. There is no point in getting tons of traffic if none of the people coming to the site can figure out what to do when they get there!

When designing or adjusting the site, it is important to think about the audience. Who is the ideal target? Think of the numerous demographical factors that may alter how you need to communicate with your audience. For example sex, marital status, level of education, age, location and financial standing. All of these variables can influence how you communicate with them.

The next step is to research the competition for your target market. What do your competitors sites look like? What keywords are they using? What sort of language? If their site is ranking higher than yours try and figure out why. What have they done to get higher up in the search engines than your site?

When all the gathering of information has been done, youll then need to decide how utilize seo services to make the best of your site. It is most essential that you choose which keywords are the most relevant for your website. In order to establish this, you will need to examine both the product or service as well as analyzing your target market. The keywords you use are the foundation of your SEO services. Make sure they are very carefully chosen after considerable market research.

After you have decided which keywords youre going to use, you will need to redraft the content of your site to fit with your theme. Keyword density is another factor to consider at this point, it is recommended to achieve keyword density of 3-5%. If you go over 5% it is likely to look unnatural which could ruin it and your audience may well decide to go elsewhere as a result.

Its important to make sure that your site is optimized everywhere, not just in the content that is visible. Remember to pay attention to the keywords, titles and meta tags within the html code itself. The search engines read the HTML code and the meta tags as a part of their process so if these are ignored, it will prevent the site from ranking as well as it could.

Another essential ingredient to optimizing a website is link building. Links pointing to your site are very important to improving your ranking in the search engines. Particularly one way links - that is links that point to your site without a link that points back the site it comes from. That practice is called reciprocal linking, it has little value in terms of SEO services, one-way inbound links are much more significant. If your site has value and is relevant to someone elses, many will link to yours purely for the quality of your content. Other great ways of getting inbound links include article marketing, directory listings and social bookmarking. Of all of those, submitting articles to article directories is probably the best, because real people will read your articles and as a result will visit your site, so you get links plus some traffic too.

Linking is another important part of improving your ranking. Non-reciprocal links or one-way links are also a valuable tool when trying to raise your search engine ranking. They hold more value than reciprocal (two-way) links in terms of SEO services. To get more non-reciprocal links, write good content. Many people will link to your site if it is relevant or useful to them. Update it regularly to encourage this. Directory listings are also a great way to get non-reciprocal links. Article submissions are perhaps the best way to get one-way links; not only does it raise your ranking, but it can also be an additional source of traffic for your site.

To find the best information tips and tools on SEO services, article submissions and how to build a profitable website check out the amazing tools that are available to members of Portalfeeder. Its a veritable goldmine. Click on this link to find out more.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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