SEO Article Marketing Secrets

Learn the best SEO Article Marketing Secrets for using article directories and article submissions for free backlinks and traffic.

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Use Article Submission Directories Strategic Internet Marketing - Marketing - Article Marketing

If you build a website, but not the market, so how will people know it exists? Does anyone outside your small circle of visiting family and friends who provide direct address? Reality in the World Wide Web is that no matter how much time, money or effort you use to build a website, or how much bandwidth you buy, the number of images or videos you send, so the search engines have a high opinion of her, or find it so no one else will, either. You need an Internet marketing strategy that will drive traffic to your website.

Traffic is the lifeblood of any business

Your site could be the next multi-million dollar business, but as long as people do not know, you need to generate traffic. According to Article directories are one of the most effective ways to provide that much needed traffic. It is estimated that over 85 percent of all web traffic generated through search engines, such as Bing, Google and Yahoo. This means that the majority of people are turning to the Internet information, products or services you are seeking through the engines. If your site does not rank within the first two pages (preferably on the first page), then it could also be behind a dark, crowded warehouse.

Generate traffic through article submission directories

Much of the research subjects it through Google, for example, or searching for information. Items remain the most powerful way to convey information about a range of topics. When consumers find relevant information, well written, and thought the information from someone, they are more likely to follow the links to your website and beyond, to do business with them. Any strategy for effective Internet marketing requires relevant content for specific keywords and the best article submission directories is the weight and pull items to help your rankings affected the first page of search results. New companies or websites in this case, it will take time to build relationships and get ranking in search engines, even with the internet marketing strategy best available. Article submission directories can help you target and reach potential customers now, instead of six months from now.

Some of the best article submission directories

There are literally hundreds of article submission directories out there and start every day, but the best, that hold the most power, most search engines have strict rules and regulations to follow when dealing with articles, links, used, and author of the instructions, but to ensure the greatest impact on and to preserve the credibility of these lists. EzineArticles, GoArticles, and ArticleDashboard ArticleBase are some of the top. Internet marketing strategy, make sure that the article directories that are part of the equation.

The articles that you submit must be your own work - You may not submit articles written by other authors and the content must be unique. No rebranded articles allowed, you must be the sole copyright holder for each article you submit. Articles written by a ghost writer are perfectly acceptable as long as they are being used only by yourself.

By submitting your articles to our Free Article Database, you grant others the right to publish your articles - Other users have the right to publish your articles on their websites, in their newsletters or blogs, and more as long as the article is left in the original state. This includes the resource box which provides you credit as the author of the content.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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