SEO Article Marketing Secrets

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Article Marketing Strategies - Backlinks

Article Marketing Strategies - Backlinks

Article Marketing Strategies - Backlinks
Article Marketing Strategies - Backlinks

By Bill Avery

This being the third in a group of article on article marketing strategies, I'd like to take the time to point out the others first. First came Article Marketing Strategies - Leverage on how to use leverage to gain authority for your own articles and ultimately your site. The second was Article Marketing Strategies - SEO on search engine optimization and how to think about it when writing your article. This focus's on backlinks and how to use them.

Backlinks in article marketing strategies is what ranks articles. It's how Google gauges the popularity of an article, r at least one of the ways. There a a few types of backlinks; the major categories being internal and external links. You can also break them down by authority as well. The higher an authority site you link to the better that link is rated.

Backlinks as Article Marketing Strategies - Internal

Linking to other articles on your website with similar content shows there is more information here other than the one article. Google likes to see that. Readers have a choice to keep reading on the subject as well. Plus it keeps the reader on your site longer. Google also takes that into consideration when ranking the page.

If at all possible use the title of the other article as the link's anchor text. There are also plugins for WordPress that will create these internal backlinks for you automatically. This is advantageous but not reliable in the fact they could list them in a different order than you'd like or link up some that may have similar keywords but is totally off topic so beware automation.

Article Marketing Strategies - External Links

These links are the big boost to your site. They connect the reader to other sites with similar content. Here's your chance to link to authority sites and get traffic via them. I suggest getting links from education sites (.edu) or government sites (.gov) if you can. It all depends on your market niche.
Get into some of the bigger article directories and have your article posted there and linking back to your site.

Guest blogging is another great source of backlinks. You must be careful and write unique content for guest blogging as some sites will not accept an article posted elsewhere. As usual read the guidelines posted per site.

Another of my article marketing strategies relies on comments on social media sites and on other niche blogs. Commenting being a great way to get links back to your article or your site. Look for blog posts with similar content and you can post comments with thought and intelligence. That way your comment is safe from the spam filter and is usually posted.

Using sites like Onlywire or tribepro to syndicate your blog post will get you quite a few backlinks to your site. Google usually ranks these type of backlinks high because they are viewed as user interest. Again beware the automated links as too many too fast will throw up the red flag to Google unless your site has developed the page rank to handle high traffic. Getting 2000+ backlinks in a single day on a two month old blog will usually be frowned on.

Balance your backlinks between as many different types of sources as possible will ensure you are successful at article marketing strategies and keep you out of Googles sandbox.

To Your Success
Bill Avery
PS: Comments are appreciated and are a great way to get back links to your site. Please don't use the spam robots to comment.

For more from the author post comments on his blog Northern Trials - Adventures In Online Marketing
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Article Source:

How to Build Backlinks

Backlink SEO Success Secrets

Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

Free Backlinks and SEO Tips

SEO Article Marketing Secrets

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