SEO Article Marketing Secrets

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Article Marketing Techniques To Generate More Traffic

Article Marketing Techniques To Generate More Traffic

Article Marketing Techniques To Generate More Traffic
Article Marketing Techniques To Generate More Traffic

By John Birney

There are lots of article marketing techniques you can use to generate traffic to your site or blog, these are a few that have generated a substantial amount of traffic for me and resulted in me getting leads consistently.

You will never get people to see your articles and content if you just write an article and post it on your blog or website unless your site or blog has aged and it already ranks high on the search engines.
Even if your site or blog has gained authority over time it can still be hard to get your articles on the first page of the search engines using your specific keyword.

Okay firstly what you can do is write your articles and submit them to free article publishing sites like EzineArticles as an example, if you find the right keyword for your niche that does not have much competition you might be lucky enough that when they publish your article it luckily enough makes the first page on Google, but most of the time this will not happen.

You should have your article posted in at least two places, like one unique copy on an authority site and another unique copy on your site or blog, it is quite possible that you may rank twice on the front page of the search engines with your two unique versions.

So when your article gets published what you need to do now is promote it and get back links to your article, you can get back links from social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and a boat load more that are available.

You can also get back links from other article and blog directories, some of these directories are human reviewed and some are not but either way you should make sure that your articles are presentable.
There are certain tools available some are free and some that you must pay for, but these tools can get you a serious amount of back links and you should use them as part of your article marketing techniques.

The same techniques apply to you even if your site or blog has some authority, you still need to promote your articles and get back links because if you don't you will never reach the first page of the major search engines and even if you do reach 1st page how are you going to get your content to stay there if you do not promote it and get back links.

The next thing you should do when you are starting to get traffic and your business starts to grow is to get other people to write your articles for you, there are loads of people and business that will write your articles for you for a certain fee.

You should look for certain people who can write them for you for about $1 per 100 words, so a very good 500 word article that has good value to it will only cost you about $5, and this article marketing technique is very good because it will free up time for you so that you can continue to promote and expand your business in other different ways and also gives you more time together with your family or whatever else you want to do.

So overall they are just some basic article marketing techniques that have generated lots of traffic for me and resulted in more leads and more conversions which makes me a very nice income each month.
If decide to use these article marketing techniques then just imagine working less than an hour per day to attract 10-20 new leads per day or more, imagine personally sponsoring 10-15 new team builders per month without ever pestering your family or friends or making an outbound cold call to tire-kicker, unmotivated generic business opportunity seeker leads, imagine finally embracing a proven attraction marketing system literally guaranteed to produce a result once you have it set up, well now you can and if you use the article marketing techniques that I have given you there is no reason why you can not have the same success as all the industry leaders.

Article Source:

How to Build Backlinks

Backlink SEO Success Secrets

Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

Free Backlinks and SEO Tips

SEO Article Marketing Secrets

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