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Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Maintenance of an SEO Article - Website Promotion - Online Promotion

Once an seo article is ready it can stay in the same place online for years. This is the strength of seo writing. A good article doesn't require much maintenance but this doesn't mean that you won't have to check it over every now and then. Things change for sure, but this can be taken into consideration already at the time of the writing of the article. If the seo article is written with changes in mind it will demand very little maintenance, if any at all!

Timespan of an seo Article

Something that one must understand about seo writing is that it is not the type of writing you would use for a magazine, newspaper or newsletter. SEO articles are meant to serve people for a very long time. If the subject of the SEO writing doesn't change then the article can stay online for years and years. The longer an SEO article lives the stronger it will be in terms of SEO and reliability.

Updates and News

There are times when an article must be updated due to changes that will affect its content. If the article described the old software of a certain casino it might have to be discarded and replaced by an SEO article about the new software. Sometimes the old article can stay as it is as a source for what was before the current changes. It all depends of the needs and opinions of the owner of the site where the SEO article appears.

Position and Place of the SEO Article

Even if an article is good as it is it might need to change position. For SEO purpose it is always better if an article can stay in the same place and not move around. To avoid changes of position of an SEO article one has to be careful to put it in the right place to begin with. If Google and Yahoo pick up on a block of text moving around they might assess that this is not a serious article and as such it will lose importance in their search results. Good maintenance of an SEO article includes understanding of its proper position from start!

The original Article must be good

To minimize the maintenance of an SEO article it must be of high quality. Once it has been placed online there should not be a need to correct spelling mistakes or even worse, false facts! If the SEO writer has been careful to check his sources and information the article should be able to live for a long time without much maintenance. As mentioned earlier, a good article can stay as a source of information even if updates to its content have been made.

It should be clear that good maintenance of an SEO article starts with quality writing and ends with correct planning for position online. With these key points in mind you should be able to handle your SEO material the proper way and make sure that they serve the right purpose for years to come.

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