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Sunday, April 29, 2012

WordPress SEO Tips & Strategies - Internet - Web Hosting

WordPress is, without question, the most commanding tool for achieving high levels of disclosure, and top search rankings in Google's search results (the ultimate goal and principle of SEO).

Matt Cutts, a well known Google engineer, has even confirmed that WordPress takes care of 80-90% of the technical seo fundamentals without human intervention!

That's a sturdy announcement coming from Matt Cutts, and if he is keen to put his name, and Google's, on the column with a statement like that, then I'm prepared to believe that WordPress is a influential seo tool.

More than just investigating people say that WordPress seo is an authoritative tool; I've actually practiced it with many of my own, and my client's, WordPress blogs.

I have seen WordPress blogs get crawled, indexed, and up to a Page Rank of 3 within 1 month, and I have seen original postings from WordPress blogs attain #1 ranking in Google within hours!

Hey, why utilize a WordPress blog for seo promotion anyway?

That's a immense question! Let me give you 2 reasons why a blog, be it WordPress, Blogger, Type pad, or whatever, is your quickest pathway to top search engine rankings.

1) Blogs construct page inventory in Google. Each blog posting is in fact a new page that is crawled and indexed in Google search results. So, the swelling effect of scripting a lot of content is that you are continually constructing an inventory of pages that are available in Google for a wide range of keyword phrases.

2) Google loves freshly modernized content. Google's algorithm is altering from the days of old! It used to be where you could just build a static html site, stuff keywords throughout the title, description, and keyword tags in the code, and you'd be able to rank for those phrases.

Well things have changed!

Google has gotten a lot smarter about how people feature influence to web pages, and about how black hat SEO's try to sport the algorithms.

So Google has twisted to favoring sites that nourish a continual flow of freshly updated content - something that is impractical to achieve with a stationary html website (non-blog site).

If people are finding your content, bookmarking your location, subscribing to your RSS feed and coming back for additional, then that means public will also be involving to your content. The more traffic, subscribers and links you have, the more Page Rank will be accredited to your site. The more Page Rank your site has, the higher it will rank in Google, the more often your website will be crawled, a deeper those crawls will be - all of which adds more Page Rank to your blog.

To satisfy Google's voracious hunger for fresh content, you have to feed Google with freshly restructured blog posts. In return for your giving, Google will give back with Page Rank and power. It's actually a great connection!

Why WordPress?

As I mentioned earlier, just having Matt Cutts encourage WordPress seo as the best SEO tool is sufficient for me! Beyond that, WordPress is a super sparkling CMS (content management system), that Google finds easy to crawl and who's coding is well prepared.

Also, some other reasons why WordPress is such a powerful SEO tool, and I'll be covering these in more detail in later parts, is that:

1) WordPress allows fantastic efficient keyword optimization of posts

2) SEO plugins assist you optimize your overall blog

3) You can manage / custom URL structures

4) Permalinks make certain keywords are present in URL

5) Customization of tags and categories

6) Eliminate / organize photocopy content issues

These are just a few of the many SEO reward that WordPress delivers.

Make sure you stay tuned here at Social Media SEO as we excavate down into the "How To" and "Strategies" of leveraging WordPress for SEO!

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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