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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Creating Your Own Website With A WordPress Tutorial Site

Creating your own website has never been so easy. Gone are the days where you have to hire a really expensive programmer so that you can have your own website. Even though the average Joe or Jane can create good websites there would be some differences between one that is done professionally and one that is done by relying on an online tutorial service. The only thing that will differentiate a professionally made website from a non-professional one are the following: the professionally made website gets good ranking among search engines, is aesthetically pleasing and its perfromance, in terms of loading pages, is faster.

Most of the online tutorials out there do give you the information to create your own website but it does not give information to make your website truly exceptional.Being exceptional means that it can increase its search engine rank and at the same time it can generate revenue for your business. Having a website out there isn't just enough. Did you know that building a poor quality website and getting a poor search engine rank is like creating your own business card by hand and showing it to other people but not giving it away?

There are a lot of factors to consider in creating your own website in order for you to see the effectiveness of having an online presence. Too many people just see it as a status quo - something a business should have in order to look good and build the right perception. That is partially true but then these people have missed a very important opportunity. And that's the opportunity of using your website as a tool to generate revenue for your business. It even also applies to the humble blogger. And that's why it is important to know that when you are looking for an online resource to help you get an online presence it should be tutorial that will cover these topics step-by-step and in an easy to follow language:

* how to acquire a search-engine-friendly domain name

* how to choose and set up your web hosting

* how to plan for your own website

* how to create your own website

* how to design your website

* how to maintain your website

* how to get good search engine rankings for your website

* how to increase traffic to your website

* how to monetize you website

Looking for this online resource is quite hard to find. you usually have to go to three or four different websites in order to get all these information and piece them up like a jig saw puzzle. And sometimes you may need to redo things because one information is only encounteredafter executing something you may have read initially. An example of this is choosing your domain name. Other's would probably just think of a catchy domain name. However, this only works when you have a big advertising and marketing budget. In fact having a sensible domain name is an important strategy to get your website noticed by the search engines.

So to spare users these troubles, we created a wbsite where you can get all these information in one location. And that website is We made sure that the information can be used by someone who is totally new to the online world and to someone who has already built a website but is looking to get more out of it. The user can take the tutorial in a step-by-step manner or, if the user is quite experienced, then he or she can proceed to the topic of interests.

One of the main focus of this website is a tutorial on WordPress and HTML. They are the basic building block of creating your first website. You can actually skip HTML if coding is not your thing. Learning WordPress by itself to create your website does not require that you know HTML. However, applying your HTML knowledge can enhance the look and feel fo the site.

Another focus of the site is a tutorial on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in order to take your website to the top pages of the major search engines. The tutorial here shows you what seo is and what the different methods are so that you can apply themin order to improve the ranking of your website.

A recently added module is theinternet and affiliate marketing tutorials. Once you have your website and have traffic, then you can monetize your site through the methods discussed in this module.

Having all these tutorials in one site gives you gerater efficiency in your learning process. And this means that you can get the big and detailed picture shorter than you think.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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