Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training
Most states are ill equipped to handle the amount of unemployed people in their state. Rhode Island is ready to do another extension of unemployment benefits. What happens when your uneployment benefits run out? Then what! This article may give you the confidence to pull yourself out of this mess if you are unemployed.
If the people who run the RI Department of Labor and Training could think outside the box like me, then most of would be working in the comfort of our own home, and make more money than our unemployment benefits could ever pay us. This would also save the state millions a month in unemployment benefit payouts. What I am about to tell you might make you feel good about your future.
I am an article marketer who works from home. I am not much of a writer but that does not stop me from trying to reach out to help people. I also write articles to make money. I believe in sharing my knowledge and m y two cents, so here it is.
With about 5 hours training you can have the basic skills to become an article marketer. I write articles and send them to free article websites to be published like Articlesbase.com
I market items that match up with my articles. Mainly digital download goods like ebooks. I also market clothing.
Because of the new Rhode Island Internet Sales Tax Law, our government officials have taken a way millions of money making opportunities marketing tangible goods online as an affiliate marketer.
Many companies like Amazon.com pulled the plug on all their RI affiliates when this internet sales tax law was passed. If you sell digital download goods then not only can you avoid collecting taxes for the state, you also make more money.
You see, when an affiliate marketer sells hard goods through article marketing or any other means, the y make a 2% to 15% commission on every sale. But when they sell ebooks and other digital info they make 50% to 75% commission per sale. Ebooks sell like crazy because they can be obtained in minutes by downloading them. These are impulse buys and sell fast. There is an ebook for everything.
The best source to find these ebooks is ClickBank.com. Clickbank.com is the number one resource for ebooks. There is also Affiliatebot.com which is a decent source for hot products to market.
This is what I think the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training should be doing for all unemployed Rhode Island workers. This is the ultimate in worker retraining and it's cheap.
Rather than just paying out unemployment benefits, I think the state should hire some of the best internet marketers and article writers in the country. These individuals would lecture Rhode Island's unemployed about the benefits of internet marketing and how much money that can be made in this industry. They would inspire many of unemployed in this state and maybe bring some hope into these peoples lives.
The State of Rhode Island would then have an army of people trained by these experts "mainly students, the unemployed and volunteers" who would train Rhode Islanders in this industry. You can article market about anything. If the state took 100 people and had them write articles fivr days a week on Rhode Island's great points and the benefits of visiting and living in Rhode Island. Not only would Rhode Island see an increase in tourism and residents, but Rhode Islanders could become trained in tourism and internet marketing at the same time. These article marketers will be 1099 employees of the State of RI and get bonuses in their unemployent checks for their articles. There are thousands of paid article writers in this country who get paid per article. Usually $3 to $6 per article depending on the size. A 250 word article usually pays $3.
I have a person that writes 30 articles per day 5 days per week for me about Christian Music and I sell Christian musc downloads . I pay her $500 a week and she writes 150 articles a week. You might think that is a lot of money but I make 4k to 6k a month profit on the christian music articles she writes for me. Get the picture!
The Rhode Island article writers would be separated into teams. Each team would be in charge of writing articles about events, businesses and the benefits of living or visiting towns in their area. Because they live in the area, they would be able to write better, more detailed articles about their communities. This would be an online tourism campaign that would benefit every city and town in this state. The state wouldn't know what to do with all the tourists and new residents that these articles would generate.
If you were looking online to vacation in the New England area, and you saw thousands of great little articles written about what a great state Rhode Island is for vacation. Do you think that we would have a better chance of getting them to vacation here in RI instead of another New England State? I do.
With and increase in tourism comes an increase in jobs and tax collections.
With all the great things to do in this state, why do our elected officials choose to finance the state budget with gambling money instead of marketing tourism, tourism, tourism to increase state revenue. After all we are the Ocean State. Who can market Rhode Island better than a Rhode Islander. The state pays millions to promote state tourism with stupid ineffective ads and commercials. article marketing is 10,000 times more powerful than any TV, Billboard, Print Ad or Radio Commercial. Best of all, it's free and it always remains online for the world to see. Ads and commercials have a very very short life.
Article marketers average $50k to $365k a year. Your articles live online forever. If you publish hundreds of articles a month, just think how many cash generating articles you will have 4 years down the road. You get my picture? You see the money now? Are you getting an idea about an article yet? Are you ready to take charge of your future?
I pick 7 topics and write articles on them only. After a while I know which ones are making the most cash. I then tweak those cash making articles and produce even more income from them.
How much money is there in article marketing. It is not a great rich quick business. You cannot expect to make 5k a month, writing 30 articles a month. At first you should write articles like your life and future depends on it, after about 3 or 4 months of writing articles 8 to 10 hours a day you could make yourself making between $2000 and $5000 a month or much, much more.
I can write an article in 2 minutes. Yes 2 minutes! I will share with you how I write an article in 2 minutes at a later date when I update this article. So bookmark this article now to catch that update. How many articles can I publish online in a day? Do the math. If you hit the right topic you can make $1000 a day or more. Do you watch Oprah? You can make a living watching Oprah!
The Oprah Method of Marketing can make you $10k in one day if you can find out who her guest are going to be and what they might talk about. You then write an article titled "Guest on Oprah this week "and rush it to print online. From there you have all the books that Oprah choose as her favorites right there for sale along side your article. Get the picture? can you see the cash now? Do you have a dollar to spend?
Do you want to learn more about article marketing? Do you want to take a class online to find out what it's all about? You can sign up for $1 and take the article marketing class at your own pace. It took me 2 hours to take the class.
Don't just go out and write articles without taking the class first. You'll have a fat chance in hell of making any money just writing articles unless you know how. You need to know exactly how to do it. Even if you have been in marketing your whole life, you will be blown away after taking the course.
You can start the class right now if you like. You need a dollar though, it's not free but there is nothing else to buy. Take the article marketing Class now at WAU, then come back and leave your feedback so other Rhode Islanders know about your experience.
Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques
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