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Monday, July 23, 2012

Tips for Mobile SEO and Site

Mobile seo is similar to regular webpage optimization, and is very simple. Before we talk about the layout and other necessary things, it becomes important for us to note that Internet bots and indexes in mobile search are different from web search. But still promoting the website is very important. The search engine marketing for both Internet and mobile is the same but things are gradually changing. For optimizing any website on mobile phone it is important for us to look at the webpage design. This is the first and foremost thing. Everything should be aligned and clearly visible. It is very-very important to choose the right color scheme and fonts. In simple words, layout of the page is quite important here. When we talk about the layout of the page, it is important to note that we need to see that the text is properly placed and user doesn't need to scroll down completely to get the readable text. You can hide certain items in the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to get the things at the right place. Here, it is recommended to code the mobile phones in strict XHTML.

Next thing to note in mobile seo is optimization of all the prominent keywords and short key phrases. Like traditional search engine optimization, here your keywords should be properly scattered, and not overstuff. Your keywords should in the tagline, headings, and internal links and in the contents of page. As recommended keyword density should not be more than 5%.

If you already have a website with good ranking and are not interested in changing the content of the website, it is recommended to create a secondary style sheet for your mobile. This will help you in using the existing content on your mobile webpage as well. These days' popular social networking sites are also using the same content for mobile search engines and traditional website searches but with a difference. They do not place too many links in the websites, and see that they are compatible for view with different handsets. To get the better idea of these things it is advised that you visit Googlebot-Mobile. There they have various user agents who send-up different phones. For example, a Samsung mobile user will have different needs in comparison to that of Sony Ericsson, Nokia, or iPhone.

Beside these here are some quick tips and tricks to improve your mobile search engine optimization:

On a mobile phone reading the text or browsing the images can be tough if they are in pixels. Therefore, it is recommended to use percentages instead. It is important to submit your website on different mobile sites available at mobile search engines. Like traditionally, we use to include a site map, here also we need to include a mobile site map. Care should be taken to insert the no tag form properly. This will help the mobile search engine to easily crawl through your website and give it a rank. Keep complex codes like AJAX, Flash and Java script to minimum. Once you are through with the websites architecture it is recommended to do a test run and see that no bad Java Script or sloppy HTML is used here.

These are just few tips for mobile seo and site's structural design. In our coming post we will give you more information about the advanced searches as well. To know more about our services, you can visit us at seo Company Chicago or contact us

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