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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Make Money At Home With Freelance Link Building - Careers

As a website or blog owner there are a few tasks that take priority in order to be successful online and generate traffic. That is creating quality content and building link popularity. And if you are searching for a great work at home job, then you should find it easy to locate webmasters who are willing to pay you a reasonable price to help them achieve one of these two tasks.

Specifically I am going to write a little about link building and what opportunities are available to you as a freelance link builder.

Link building is the process of getting a webmaster to add your domain name to their page. This creates "Link Popularity" and is very important in ranking well with the search engines. The more links that you website has coming in from other websites / blogs, then the higher the importance of your website within search results.

You should find it fairly easy to locate a webmaster willing to pay a reasonable amount to help him with his link building activities. Although, there are multiple companies all over the Internet who specialize in link building services, you can offer a wider range of services by performing various tasks that larger companies won't. These link building tasks might include:

Posting comments on blogs, message boards, forums, etc... This form of link building has a tendency to build traffic. By positing a interesting comment that creates curiousity in the reader, they will be eager to click and find out what you promote. Be sure to post comments that relate to the topic of that blog post or forum and do not spam!

Getting reciprocal links from other webmasters. You can find other websites or blogs that are in the same category and write the webmaster asking for a reciprocal link. This is not as popular as it used to be now that there are so many link exchange services. But it can still be an effective way to get "relevant" links with similar websites.

Writing articles for content and link building. article marketing is an excellent way to build links back to a website. First, it is a way of extending the content that is on the site and also by placing an author tag on the bottom of the page you will develop more and more links to the website.

PPC content ads. This is a temporary way of building links to a site. When a PPC (pay per click) ad like google adwords is shown on a website and it can potentially create a temporary link back to your website. If you plan on implementing a steady PPC campaign then you will see your link popularity grow as your ad is shown on relevant sites. But realize that once you stop advertising your link popularity will vanish as quick as it grew.

Those are the most popular ways to build link popularity. And as a freelance link builder you can help a webmaster by performing all of those tasks for him.

Link building is going to be an important key to maintaining a successful website for a very long time. And you can use it for your benefit by learning all of the different ways to increase link popularity and helping a webmaster grow their site.

Freelance link building can truly be a profitable work from home job. With millions of websites and blogs on the Internet you should be able to find just a few and start bringing in some extra cash at home.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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