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Monday, September 24, 2012

The Importance of Link Building - Website Promotion - Reciprocal Linking

The Importance of Link Building

Search engine optimization is an overall process that involves several steps in order to be successful. This article will take a look at using links to optimize your site, as well as to generate traffic which goes beyond the use of the big search engines and the limitations created by them.

Link building is an integral part of a successful strategy in marketing websites today. Success in establishing outside links that lead users to your own site can be even more effective than relying on search engine placement (although the links on a site will play a role in web site ranking).

Understanding links and link building

Links are navigational tools which allow web users to go from one page to another by clicking on text on a page rather than typing a URL address in the browser window. Its an easy way for users to go from one site to a related site in search of information or products.

Link popularity has also recently become an important part of seo (search engine optimization) strategy for websites. PageRank, an algorithm used by Google, utilizes the number of links to a site in order to establish a relevancy rating. Typical web site ranking on a search engine will also use the number of links to place one site ahead of another on a ranking page when all other elements are equal.

In order to understand the true importance of link building outside of search engines its important to understand their use by web browsers. Many established sites already have iron clad strategies in place that keep their names at the top of search rankings, and it can be very hard to break in. Cooperation between similar sites can mean that web users find sites without the traditional seo approach; a user interested in site A, for example, may be curious about the product on site B. The intermediate search step is skipped, and the user is taken directly to a new source of information or products.

Types of links

There are several different types of links that can be used when it comes to taking advantage of link popularity algorithms and strategies. Some of them are outlined below along with their pros and cons and how to implement them.

Reciprocal links: These are the most common type of links. In a simple example, Brad owns a site and so does Angelina. In order to increase visibility, Brad includes a link to Angelinas site on his site, and Angelina includes a link to Brads site on hers. Reciprocal links are free, as both sites benefit from the traffic generated by the other. Finding sites willing to link with yours is mainly a matter of perseverance. When you find a site that has some relevancy to your own, contact the Webmaster via email and ask if she is willing to exchange links with you.

Buying links: Link building by buying links involves an outlay of capital, so it is limited to those who can afford it. Both large and small websites may buy links from other sites; small sites will do so in order to establish a presence, while big sites may offer to buy a link to a smaller site that carries a specific, in demand product. Links that are for sale can often be found on tools such as link exchanges.

Submission of articles: There are several dozen sites that offer free informational articles to the public. The websites that submit these articles are compensated with a visible link to their site from the article on the exchange. There are two types of article submission sites. The most advantageous sites are those that offer free articles to other web site owners (the other type retains the articles on their own site and makes money through advertising). Not only is the link from the site where the article originated available on the exchange site, it is also visible on any site that chooses to display an article from the exchange site. Sites that give articles away in exchange provide a quick link building tool, but the articles have to be good quality in order to grab the interest of other sites.

Online advertising: Using this method, a link to your site is provided on another site because you paid them to do so. Its similar to pay-per-click strategies, but uses an individual site rather than a search engine. There are disadvantages not only in the outlay of capital, but also in the fact that your link will appear as advertising on the other page. It may work for the link popularity algorithms, but most of the site users will ignore it.

Link building is an important part of web site marketing for seo and web ranking purposes, and also for generating traffic outside of the search engines. Quality content and/or services will mean that your site is a good candidate for link popularity.

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