SEO Article Marketing Secrets

Learn the best SEO Article Marketing Secrets for using article directories and article submissions for free backlinks and traffic.

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Monday, October 22, 2012

CCNA TRAINING - Natural SEO Service - Computers - Networks


What is a SEO? Before going into any details let us understand the term SEO. seo stands for Search Engine Optimization. The seo means promoting you website within all the search engines. The purpose of promoting your site in the listings is to ensure that more number of people will visit it as it's on the initial pages of the searched results. seo may use different searches including local search, image, video and industry specified vertical search. It gives your web site a web presence. As a marketing strategy for internet the seo predicts how search engines function and what people will be searching for. The w ebsite optimization means editing the contents and HTML to enhance the relevancy of a specific keyword. It also removes obstacles hindering the indexing of search engines. The seo tactics also includes increasing the back links. SEO can be performed using two types, either natural or paid optimization. The natural optimization gives the results that are free. These are more reliable than the ones on the right side of the pages, which are paid results.

Natural and Paid Results:

The natural results are based on the keyword relevancy and they appear on the search engines. These pages appear on the first page of searched results if their ranking is high. To enhance the ranking one must make sure that more and more people use the links to get information. And that they fall relevant to the searched query. Most of the search engines show all the possible outcomes for the query. They will give you the video, text and images results all in a single go so that it's easier to choose which ever you want. But many of the huge companies for search engines have made different tabs for choosing whatever you want. Many companies are offering services for the SEO. Companies like,, and many more. But the most important thing is that they all charge you with a heavy amount of $1500 to $4000 monthly. The best way to get your site advertised is that all your web pages are link less and they all contains the same k eywords so that when people will search for a particular phrase they will be able to find your pages amongst the very few pages of the searching engine.

Differences Between Paid and Natural Services:

There are several differences between the paid and natural searches. 1. A natural search takes a greater amount of time to show any financial returns, although paid searches can be launched easily and quickly.2. There are many key words in paid searches where as the natural searches have only a few key words.3. To keep a track of your results its difficult on the natural searches but on paid searches it's very easy to measure results.

Some Stats-You Should Know:

But after saying all this, let me share some stats with you. More traffic is pulled by natural searches then paid searches, long tail key words brings more traffic, visitors from natural searches brings in more revenues else you have to pay an amount to the PPC services. The paid searches are the parasites of the natural searches. Thus it's better to use the natural searches instead of paying others for marketing your site.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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