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Monday, December 3, 2012

Best Techniques to Generate Local Traffic from the Search Engines - Search Engines

Local seo has become the new "it" marketing technique for local businesses because it offers great response. This article will share some practical seo tips that you can use.

One of the easiest seo tips that you can use is to create optimized local classified ads. This is an easy way to take advantage of the local searches because the search engines tend to favor such sites and when you use them, you increase the chances of driving direct local traffic to your website. Craigslist should be your starting point because it is the most popular of all of the classified websites. As a business owner you need to be sure that you are posting optimized ads on Craigslist on a regular basis. The ads you post should be targeted exactly to the market in which your business operates. Take care that your ad is simple and not garish. When you write your ads for classifieds sites you need to focus the most of your attention on the headline of the ad because this is what will catch people's attention. Use your keyword phrase in the title along with your city and state. Yo u can treat the craigslist ad as your landing page, because many times you will notice that it will even outrank your main site. So a good strategy is to use the Craigslist ad as a channel to funnel in the traffic towards your site, which is your ultimate aim. USFreeAds is another highly ranked classifieds site that you can use--it won't work as well as Craigslist but it can get the job done. You can either try to piggy back your site's traffic from the classifieds sites but your main goal should be to simply use them to send targeted traffic to your business directly. Another local seo strategy that generally gets ignored is that you should try and mention all the other locations that you're serving in. You should write out every state, county and town that your business operates within. How can you accomplish this? Simply listing each area through bullet points won't get you very go od results but if you mention them within the content of the ad you should get some good responses. The reason you should do it this way is that it is easier for the search engines to absorb the details as data and analyze your business and the locations in which it operates. Your promotional and seo efforts can be greatly assisted by doing this. What you need to remember is that even though these tips seem very simple, your local SEO efforts will be aided a great deal by making sure these tips get applied to your campaigns.

Another important aspect that you need to focus on is having your address on every page of your site. This is one simple factor that can play a major role in convincing the search engines to rank you better. So what exactly should you include in this? You should have your business address, phone number and last but not the least, your zip code listed on all the pages of your site. This will reveal that you're going after local search and that's when your job becomes simple.

You now have a number of effective methods to get quality local traffic. The above techniques work quite well for optimizing your site for local traffic.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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