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Monday, April 2, 2012

No Follow Link Explained In Basic Terms You Can Understand - Website Promotion - Online Promotion

Elements of an HTML which are used to direct search engines that a hyperlink is not to affect the rank of a search engines index is known as a no follow link. No follow links are designed to help eliminate search engine spam as well as create better search engine results.

The idea of the no follow link was developed by Google in 2005 to eradicate spam that may appear in a search when using keywords in search engines. No follow links were not developed to block the access to web content but rather to avoid the content from being indexed by search engines.

The code rel=?nofollow?, when used in the syntax can block spam or sway the links that targets page rank. Though it was designed and the copyright is owned by google, other search engines like Yahoo, Windows Live Search, and Bing also started using this concept

The search engines are not following the link; they are supposed to only not index the link in their search engine databases. The link is still able to be clicked and the page will load, no content will be blocked it is just meant to reduce the indexing and spam that comes across in search results. Google for example, states that the no follow link is taken literally and the link will not be followed at all but in information done for SEO purposes it shows some conflict to this. It shows that Google does follow the link but doesn?t index it to the linked page. Yahoo will follow the link but doesn?t include it in any of its ranking calculations, while MSN Search treats the no follow link as not counting it or following it. Every search engine will have their own difference as to what they believe the no follow link should mean.

Most weblog software programs will submit links as no follow by design without giving the opportunity to modify. Others allow modifications by trustworthy users. There is yet a third form of programs that permits writers to enter it exactly as they please and have the results sorted by human editors These editors then remove or discard any useless links.

Web owners are protected from unwanted content being on their site by no follow links. Blogs or forums are added to sites in attempts to generate new material to their site and to help boost the overall rating of the site. No follow links permits bloggers to post links but prevents these links from affecting the page. This is a great tool as a page may drastically plummet in its ranking if negative or offensive links are added.

Google began using no follow links as a machine readable disclosure for paid links. This prevents them from gaining integrity in the results of search engines. Web owners are currently arguing whether this is beneficial or detrimental. The jury is still out because many sites are paying for links to be traded on their page in attempts to escalate their ranks. In the opinion of the SEO the no follow link posses many contradictory elements and should therefore be left up to individual web owners to decide whether or not to implement its use.

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