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Monday, May 7, 2012

Seo automation at its best - Home - Home Business

Now you know that Christmas is coming up and you are targeting the keyword "tickle me Elmo". Okay, so if all you had to do was appeal to the human visitors, then you could design a site that was highly graphic and full of rich media content, like flashing animated graphics and streaming video all but insuring the appeal of the youngsters parents. What kind of site would rate high? Well a site that might fare well might have 5 pages give or take a few pages. Each page might have a large "Buy Now" image of Elmo.

There would be several paragraphs on each page all expounding written content and facts about Elmo.

Now quite honestly I hope you just grasped what I meant here. Google's bots would come on your site and see all the pages of written text that say the word "tickle me Elmo" and related keywords and form a conclusion that it is a content rich site that would provide much value to their users search experience and hence you now are ranking number 1, 2, or 3 on page one. Quite honestly of all the pages of written content that is on your site that gets your site ranked highly, the biggest factor that might appeal to your visitor and influence them to buy or not may be those large block images that have the picture of your product the caption that goes with it, "Buy Here Now 30% Discount". In a lot of cases powerful sales pages that result in a lot of profit for their owner are the result of massive joint venture emailing campaigns that go out to tens of thousands of opt in subscribers and are not designed to rank high in the search engines.

Essentially seo can be divided into two distinct parts; On-page optimisation and off-page optimisation (by the way, in the United Kingdom it is optimisation; in the USA it's optimization!).

Off-Page OptimizationOff-page optimization can be summarised as using techniques to get your website listed elsewhere on the world wide web (the nature of these links and how they can be obtained is too wide a scope to be part of this article).

By combining these two strategies, a website owner can get their site listed at a high ranking within the search engines and a 'good' seo company will be able to offer you both of these services.

A good seo company will have built up a wealth of experience also within the sphere of off-page optimization.

Web DesignersYou need to be aware that many (but not all!) Website design Companies will tell you that they have seo expertise.

Is That It? Is That All I Need to Know?The short answer to that is "NO"! There are many websites that are listed highly in the search engines for a particular product or service but they are not entirely successful in making a profit.

So What's The Answer?The answer is to find an seo Company who has a proven track record of optimisation of various sites. A good SEO Company will not only have SEO skills and expertise, but will also have general commercial experience and will be able to help you not just to get your business top of the search engines, but also how to make sales. Seolinkrobot.comSeo Link Robot


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