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Monday, June 25, 2012

Planning a New Website? You Could Add Url to Search Engines Yourself

Search engine optimization is what web design and marketing experts do working over their creation in a website to make things just so, so that when someone Googles for a relevant phrase, their webpage is the one that shows up instead of a competitor's. As can be expected to have happen in a world of cutthroat competition for visitor clicks, seo is becoming the final arbiter of website success. seo, as esoteric as it sounds isn't something that only monied website holders are supposed to indulge in - it's for the one-person home business just the same. Webmasters with not enough experience in their craft, when they get to the part where they need to add URL to search engines often decide that it should be a whole lot safer to bring in experts to do it for them. There are submission services tha t literally charge hundreds of dollars from webmasters to merely register a website with Google or Bing or any of the dozens of minor search engines there are.

If webmasters could learn what it took to add URL to search engines, not only could they save themselves a lot of money, they could easily do a better job than any of these experts working for a paycheck could. Now, while there are dozens of search engines out there, only a handful exist that actually could make a difference to you. All the others are mostly either specialized ones, or are search engines that survive by spamming the searcher with all kinds of results that are of no use to anyone. In fact, associating a website with any of these search engines would actually take away from what they had to offer.

To add URL to search engines is not difficult. To submit your URL to Google for instance, all you need to do is to go to, enter all the keywords you wish to have associated with your website, and verify that you are a real person. Submission to other major search engines like Yahoo and Bing run much the same. Go to for Yahoo!, and for Bing. Yahoo requires that you have a Yahoo e-mail account to verify the submission. You don't even need to try manual submission on search engines like Bing. Their web crawlers will find yo if you give them a little time. Merely adding a URL to a search engine's repertoire isn't enough of course. More and more, creators of new websites are beginning to recognize all there is to be gained optimizing a website for search. seo doesn't have to be expensive though. Most of the best basic moves, you could learn through online resources like those found on Google's own Webmaster resources. You do realize that no paid professional could bring the kind of personal attention you can to your own website.

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