A great website is worth nothing unless people can access it easily. Search Engine Optimization orS.E.O. is a description of how to get your website's ranking up on important search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, which account for the vast majority of website traffic. According to a recent poll for 2010 found at /search-engines/72% of web searches are conducted through Google, followed by Yahoo! at 14%, and about 10% for Bing. This makes Google a very important target for website marketing specialists.
The first step is simply adding a website to a search engine.
Google: /addurl/?continue=/addurl
Yahoo!: /info/submit.html
Bing: /webmaster/SubmitSitePage.aspx
Meta Tag selection is another important field of Search Engine Optimization. It is necessary to have a few important google searches selected, depending on your businesses target audience, and set up your Meta Tags in accordance with that strategy. The title, keywords, and description of a website should be set up to allow spiders to load the website exactly in accordance with important search queries.
External Links are necessary to bring a website up in rank. People need to click on a website from a variety of different starting positions. A great way to accomplish this is to have informational articles, such as this, that are projected onto multiple different articles submission websites. A successful website will need to have lots of articles all over the web, with links pointing back to the Home page. The article submission websites post the articles on important search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing and allow new visitors to read information regarding a specific category of interest. If a new visitor reads an article and then proceeds to click on the website, a significant boost will come with the search engine rank. Most engines rank websites due to popularity of a search, so it is important to have tons of hits.
Article Source: /index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=5&Itemid=221
Brian Wallace
Quick Design Express
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