One method, often overlooked, to increase seo traffic is video marketing. It has several advantages, but only if webmasters take certain precautions to achieve the best result. Here's how to drive seo traffic to your web site with video marketing...
Putting interesting, high-quality videos on your site will help to increase seo traffic in the following ways:
1. Other webmasters, bloggers, and social bookmarking service users often post voluntary links to attractive videos on other sites.
2. In addition to regular search engines, your pages may become listed on traffic generating video-only search engines.
3. Sites can target search keyphrases that have the workd "video" or "videos". This is good for seo because such searches remain popular.
A company may choose to create informative, relevant videos that aren't directly promotional. For example, a local auto dealer might provide footage of a recent antique car show. It won't directly promote their products, but will drive new traffic to the site and possibly benefit their seo efforts.
Other businesses will use video marketing to demonstrate impressive features or capabilities of their products. It is harder to gain voluntary links using this method, but it directly promotes sales. Such marketing can be more convincing than text, but only if it is accomplished skillfully.
Consider submitting your site to Google Video, so that searchers specifically looking for videos will be able to find it easily. Google provides them with "thumbnail" images of videos and shows their lengths as well. You can search for "google video submit" for more details. Other search engines like this also exist.
There are also some potential problems to avoid in video marketing. Certain web hosting providers do not allow videos, or set bandwidth limits which make them impractical to use. Search engines cannot understand this type of content, so it's important to design video pages in an SEO oriented manner.
Not all users have the hardware, software, and Internet connection needed to watch videos, so a site's entire marketing strategy should not depend on such content. It is better for SEO, sales, and traffic (in general) to have separate non-video pages which attempt to provide the same material.
Video marketing offers new opportunities to drive more traffic to your site and improve its SEO status. However, it is only worthwhile when the recordings are of good quality and all technical considerations have been attended to.
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