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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Organic SEO Traffic: How to Optimize Your Wordpress Blog Using SEO Plugins! - Search Engines - SE Optimization

Do you want a simple system that will help you funnel some organic seo traffic with ease by getting your wordpress blog to rank high on the search engines?

How about being able to intelligently assist the search engines to understand what your blog content is all about so that they can rank it high?

If your answer yes to any of these questions then I encourage you to read every word on this article because you're about to discover a simple strategy that will help you optimize your wordpress blog for some free organic seo traffic.

No doubt about it. The search engines love blogs but unfortunately, wordpress sucks seo-wise when used with the default settings. The good news however is, with a little help you can garner some more love for your wordpress blog!

The Essentials of Organic seo That Works!

The first thing you need to know when it comes to strategizing for your blog's seo is the fact that there are some essential elements you need to concentrate on. These essential elements are basically your blog's title, the description meta tag, the content, keyword density and links.

These are what the search engine spiders focus on when they crawl your blog. The information from these elements is used in indexing your blog and whenever someone performs a search for any information, they simply respond by referencing this indexed information.

The search engines do not "cook up" their own content but only check the keyword phrases used by the searcher against the information indexed and then returns the pages that best suit those keyword phrases. This is why it's important that you focus on these elements whatever the niche you're targeting with your blog.

The good news is that though wordpress sucks when used "as is", there are 101 plugins out there that will help you correct this "defect". Once implemented your blog will be able to deliver its content to the search engines in a way that will make it much easier for them to read, understand, digest and then rank it high on the search engine SERPs!

The 3 Areas to Focus On

As seen from above, your optimization strategy should be directed at 3 major areas. These are:1. Operation Related Wordpress seo Strategy2. On-Page Wordpress SEO Strategy, and3. Link building Wordpress SEO Strategy

2. On-Page Wordpress SEO Strategy, and

3. Link building Wordpress SEO Strategy

For each of these areas there are various options of plugins you can use. What you need is a clear understanding of how to use them. For example, about operation related wordpress seo strategy you simply need to optimize your blog to reduce its load time because Google considers a slow loading blog as poor in terms of site usability.

Unfortunately, most of the content on your blog are a culprit as far as this problem is concerned. For example, if your blog has been online for some time chances are that it has acquired a huge load of pages, images, flash, videos and javascripts. As much as these have their good uses they nevertheless have negative effects on your blog's load time. But there are few things you can do to correct this. For example, you can use cache to retrieve information and optimize your blog's database.

Once these optimization strategies are put in place your blog will be enhanced to load faster and gain some more points with the search engines thereby helping it to rank high in search engine SERPs.

But for all of these to work effectively you definitely need a wordpress SEO strategy in place. It doesn't matter your level of expertise in using wordpress, with the right plugins you can put together a powerful strategy that will help you optimize your blog for the search engines.

For a full guide on using plugins to handle these 3 areas of organic seo strategy for your wordpress blog, click on the link and read the detail article on my blog.

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