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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Search Engine Optimization Steps for Web Sites - Internet

Every web site owner wishes to bring his site pages on top of Google and Yahoo. Listing on the top is not an impossible dream provided that the web owner chooses the right keywords for his site accurately. Choosing the right keywords is a sort of search engine optimization.

When choosing the keywords for the web site, they should not be chose more generally. For example, when writing content for a site that talk about computer games, one may choose the keywords "computer games" as the main keywords in the site. This will be too difficult to optimize the site for these keywords because they are too general. Another choice is "computer games download" or "play computer games". If the site is new, it will be more difficult to optimize your site to general keywords. When choosing keywords that are not too general, it will be less competitive and we say that it is more targeted.

Below are useful tips to stay on the list of Google and other search engines:

1. choosing the right keywords. As mentioned above, this is the main point to optimize the site for the search engines. Each web page must have the main keywords distributed along the page with a percentage of about seven percent. Keywords that are repeated too much are considered span for the search engines. Choosing also keywords that are searched too often will lead to a positive result.

2. Good onsite optimization: a good onsite optimization is the core of all successful search engine optimized sites. It involves distributing the main keywords you choosed in the above step across all the web page including the title of the page, the Meta tags, the alt tag and the content. The most important is the title tag because it appears in the search engine lists. Also the description tag may appear in the search engine listing or part of it can appear. The domain name must have the main keywords also in the site. This will give better results if you placed the main keywords in the overall site in the domain words.

3. Place Quality original content. Google like content that are new or that are fount for the first time .Google also penalize duplicate content. If the content of your website is copied, it will not rank high. You must frequently develop quality and original content. Update your site with fresh content frequently and this will give good results to you.

4. Build linking campaign: today, Google, Yahoo and other search engines takes into account the number of links to any web site and the rank of the sites that link to that site. The more links to any web sites that originate from high ranked web sites, the search engines then will give more points to that site. This is very important to the web owners as he can increase his ranking thorough building back links. Links however must be built carefully as links from penalized sites web sites can drop the ranking. Also links from sites that are not relevant to your site can bring negative effect.

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