When it comes to getting your business noticed, there are so many different options you can explore when using the internet. The more traditional, commonly used method of getting more search engine traffic to your web site or online business is search engine optimization. A newer way to direct prospective customers to your business is pay per click campaigns. If you are just starting out, however, these forms of advertising and means of getting traffic to your web site may be unknown to you. Which should you use? Is one more effective than the other? This article will explain both methods; help you decide which one will increase search engine traffic to your business, and whether a campaign using both methods could actually get you the most search engine traffic in the long run.
What is pay per click?* When looking at a pay per click campaign to get your online business more search engine traffic, you are actually going to be paying to "sponsor" an advertisement when certain keywords are placed into a keyword search. For example, an advertisement for your floral shop my pop up when the keyword "flowers" in entered as a keyword to be searched, that listed advertisement can be clicked, and a link will take the prospective customer to your web page. A pay per click link will often appear at the top of the SERPS, or down the right hand side of the computer screen.
What is search engine optimization?* When speaking of search engine optimization, you are speaking of getting an increase in search engine traffic free, or "organically". You do not have any direct cost when you use search engine optimization for your web page. Basically, when you are using search engine optimization for your online business, you are counting on high ranking SERPS or a listing of your web site early on the "search engine results page".
So, which one should your business use to increase search engine traffic? In reality, web seo ppc services would work to your advantage. In the short run, the pay per click campaign could get more search engine traffic to your web site immediately, while over time the experts will be creating a highly ranked, search engine optimized site that will appear in the top 10 rankings on the popular search engines. After the initial expenses for the pay per click campaign and the creation of the high ranked seo web page, your business can do extremely well on the free results through the search engines and the pay per click advertisements can be discontinued.
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