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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

7 Effective Ways to Increase Traffic to your Blog. - Website Promotion

Feel embarrassed and frustrated when you see the low number of visitors visiting your blog? Dont give up yet, let me hand you the key to your Ferrari, I mean to increase your blog traffic: ) There are a few tips that you can utilize to get traffic fast!

Tip #1: Find a market and make it your niche.

Many bloggers think that they can simply post anything up to their blog and expect traffic. Well, there is certainly more effort that you need to put in! First, you need to narrow down your market and determine your niche. Next, find a product for your targeted niche and see if these products sell. By doing this, not only you can test whether your niche is a viable one to enter, you can also find yourself a good affiliate product to promote.

Tip #2: Focus on keyword research.

In order to get more traffic, you need to churn out articles with keywords that are getting a lot of searches. You can use free tools such as Google Keyword Tool and Overtures keyword research tool to help you. Just simply pump in a general keyword and click on get more keywords. To find more keywords, you can also find a really informative site on your chosen topic and enter the address into Site related keywords of the Google Tool. Pay attention to those keywords that have high number of searches. Compile and keep it because it will turn into your goldmine in the near future!

Tip #3: Write compelling articles + submit them + Leeching traffic.

Remember, search engines love content. And that is why article directories like,,, and etc. attract search engines like honey attracts bees! Submitting to article directories isnt just a good way to build backlinks to your blog, it also helps to create loyal readership. If you write high-quality article, people will be enticed to visit your blog. Leeching on high ranking sites such as article directories will certainly boost your site ranking in the search engines. The higher you rank in the search engine, the more traffic you get!

Tip #4: Submit your RSS feed to directories.

There are many RSS directories out there that alert people that your site content has been updated. This can increase your chances of getting indexed in the search engines, and eventually getting more traffic. Some of the sites you can submit include and

Tip #5: Comment on other peoples blog.

An important part of blogging is all about getting involved in the community. Commenting on other peoples blog not only helps to create readership, but you can also post your website address when you post your comment, search engine will follow the links back to your site, helping to boost your ranking and increase your traffic!

Tip #6: Write guest blog.

This is an amazing strategy worth trying. I am sure there are a number of favourite blogs out there which probably get a lot of traffic and a lot of respect from the people of your niche. Just write to the owner mentioning your interest to write some guest posts. The owner will probably be more than happy to take a break. Readers will love it because they get a fresh viewpoint on topics that they like. And, finally you will be more than happy because you gain a chance to link back to your own blog and might also win some readership!

Tip #7: Use social bookmarking site.

Bookmark your site is another way you can use to help your site get indexed fast and get more traffic. Bookmarking your site actually let the search engines know of your presence. If you take time to make sure the site that you bookmark are of high quality, youll get the benefit of those links as well.

There you have it, the 7 tips of increasing traffic to your blog. Blogging is wonderful, but it really takes a unique mindset to really make it successful! So, be unique, be patient!

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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