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Monday, November 19, 2012

Supercharge Your Pay Per Click Advertising With Low Cost Search Engines - Marketing

Pay per click advertising is hands down the best invention in marketing this decade and maybe of all time. Never before in history could you start a business and within minutes have targeted, qualified prospects who are looking for what you are selling directly in front of your offer. Most advertising and marketing is hit and miss without any real indicator for knowing what is working and what isn't. With pay per click you not only pay only for targeted visitors but you can now know exactly which ads are producing sales and at what cost per sale (referred to as cost per conversion in the Internet marketing industry).

Google, Yahoo and MSN can instantly bring thousands of visitors to your web site but if you have given pay per click a try you know that the competition for top placement is fierce and it is so easy to lose your shirt if you don't know what you are doing. Frankly, even if you are experienced the costs per click in most niches can drive your cost per conversion through the roof eating away at your profits.

Before I found alternatives to the "big three" search engines (Google, Yahoo and MSN) my profit margins were terrible simply because of ridiculous pay per click costs per click. I want to let you in on a little secret that I wish I would have found years ago.

You don't have to compete on Google, Yahoo or MSN paying crazy rates barely making money in your business. Did you know there are alterative, lower cost search engines where you can drastically and instantly improve your return on investment with significantly lower costs per click which means higher profit margins or lower cost per conversion using industry jargon.

While a pay per click campaign on one of the lower cost search engines can quickly put cash in your bank account you must be sure to choose a search engine carefully. There are literally hundreds of search engines offering low cost pay per click; some of which are known for excessive click fraud and simply traffic that does not convert. So before you run out and start throwing money at every low cost pay per click search engine you can find I recommend investigating pay per click opportunities with a few considerations in mind.

The following are things to consider when choosing a lower cost search engine for your pay per click campaign.

Where Does The Traffic Come From?

This question gets to the heart of the issue of traffic quality. Traffic that doesn't convert to opt ins or sales is worthless and a waste of money at any price. You cannot sacrifice quality traffic for low price because you don't have a business until a sale is made.

Cost Per Click

This is an easy one but how much are you going to pay per click in your target market? Compare these numbers to costs per click at major players like Google and Yahoo. Some lower cost search engines can get you clicks for as low as 1 cent per click. Compare this to more than a dollar at other search engines and you can clearly see the potential for maximizing your advertising dollars.

Customer Support

How responsive is customer support? Will they be available if you have questions or issues with your account? Granted you may not really know the answer to this question until you try them out but it is an important issue.

Click Fraud

Click fraud costs companies millions of dollars in both advertising expense and lost sales. How does the search engine protect you against click fraud? Do they have technology in place for detecting fraudulent clicks? This is very important and a serious problem in this industry.

Chosen carefully, lower cost search engines can provide pay per click advertising at substantially cheaper costs per click, lower costs per sale and a better return on your investment.

You can visit Two of the better low cost search engines. Be sure to bookmark for future reference: Goto:

Be sure to also check out another favorite:

Another option highly recommended is Enhance. Your return on your investment here is good, because the traffic is quality. For those that want exposure to specific countries, this company does offer geo targeting, this can be very helpful. Go and Bookmark here:

Although I use the big 3 for PPC Campaigns, I highly recommend these Lower cost search engines because they offer excellent return on your investment and they are a inexpensive way to start while you learn to master the art of PPC. The Big 3 can get quite expensive quickly if you are not familiar with pay per click advertising.

Instead of paying the high prices of AdWords or similar companies, venture out into other markets. You may be surprised by the results!

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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