e are you now? Do youknow how your web site is ranking right now in the Search Engines? Areyou a PR0, PR1, how about a PR9? Do you know? What are SERPs, SEs, andSEO? Can your Webmaster successfully transform your website to hit thebig time in terms of hits?
Let us look at the facts. You are probably dissatisfied with notbeing able to find your website except by your specific name. Why isthat? To be honest most Search Engines perform this first analysisfirst. It looks at your name and then tries to reconcile that name to adomain name. Bingo, your web site should pop up on the first page. Butis that enough?
Let me ask five basic questions:
1. Who are you?
2. What are you willing to pay?
3. Where do you want to go?
4. When do you want to get there?
5. How do you get there?
Who are you?
This question relates to more than the name of the company butrather who you are in terms of products. Is your business Mail Order,Direct Mail, Pet Supplies, Singing Telegrams, or whatever. You wantpeople to have something in mind like widgets and enter that terms in aSearch Engine and have your website show up. On the first page returnedby the Search Engine.
What are you willing to pay?
This can be a loaded question but it is not intended to be. Thinkof it as wanting to be important. How important do you want to be?Unfortunately, getting there has a price. If you have time there is afree process but it really does take a fair amount of time. If you wantto start making money off of your web site then you will have to paysomething.
Where do you want to go?
To the front page in terms of Search Engine results? Most peoplewant that as a goal. Simply because first pagers usually get moretraffic than those on page 100. Chances are you will not get trafficfrom page 100.
When do you want to get there?
Again, this could be a loaded question but it is not. If you wantto get listed in the result pages quickly then Time is of the Essence.There are paths to take that will get your site listed quickly but youmust know those paths.
How do you get there?
To be honest, not from software you buy at Best Buy or Staples. Todo the job right you can do this yourself but it will take you time tolearn the techniques and there are no short cuts. The Best Answer is tohire someone like myself. Yes, I am promoting myself here.
For someone like myself we are already trained at performing SEOfunctions and the best part is that we are a phone call or an emailaway. We can work with your Webmaster and do all of the necessaryfunctions outside of your building so there would be no travel cost.And best of all we are pretty affordable. I know that I am. Just ask!You might be pleasantly surprised;)
Copyright (c) 2007 Buddy Shearer
Buddy Shearer is not a sought-after Internet marketer but rather aregular guy trying to make a living. He can be found building up SearchEngine Optimization and seo Services and other useful information
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