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Friday, January 25, 2013

Why Organic SEO is Superior to Sponsored SEO Results and Listings - Search Engines - SE Optimization

One of the buzzwords in search engine optimization at the moment is "organic SEO". Look at any seo service or content provider and 9 times out of 10 they'll say that they only use organic seo methods to improve your website's ranking - I should know, since it's one of the mottos of my company! So what is organic seo and why is it so important?

Simply put, organic seo is the type of website optimization that offers natural results from search engines. When you go to a search engine like Google or Yahoo and you type in the keyword or phrase that you're looking for, there are normally two kinds of results that pop up - sponsored listings and organic SEO.

Sponsored listings are the ones that you see either at the top, bottom or right hand side of the search engine page whenever the result of a search pops up. These are normally company or business names in their own boxes, ans are a result of that company paying Google, Yahoo and the other search engines to place them on the front page for a certain keyword search.

The problem with sponsored seo is that unless you have a fairly large ongoing budget, you'll soon run out of advertising space. Additionally, the majority of people look at the top 10 results for the keyword they used - otherwise known as organic SEO. This pretty much negates the need for sponsored listing.

The benefits of organic SEO over sponsored listings are numerous. Some of the key benefits include:

As long as Google and other search engines continue changing how their search engine results work, webmasters and companies will need to keep on top of their website optimization. If you're unsure, SEO specialists and content providers using organic SEO will be able to help you keep on top of the Google rankings by using organic SEO and optimized content for your site.

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