If you have a website, you want to drive traffic to it. You know how internet searches work - you go to Google, type in search terms, hit enter, and within a fraction of a second a huge list of results is returned.
The users who perform these searches will almost always look at the links at the top of the rankings, more rarely at links which are lower than third or fourth on the list, and almost never venture from the first page to look at links on the second page of results returned.
Search Engine Optimization is what stacks the odds of coming up at the top of Google rankings in your favour. Good Search Engine Optimization will help your website to be found on Google, and that will help you get visitors to your website.
Few people is aware of how search engines like Google 'decide' in exactly what order links will be found on any given search. An advanced mathematical equation that computes which results to return depending on the relevance and significance of those results to the search phrases a user inputs is called algorithm in which Google basically depends on.
If Google can't find your website, neither can anyone else. Definitely Search Engine Optimization is the best way to help your website to be shown on the first page on Google. Search Engine Optimization, or seo for short works like this: Google sends out 'bots' known as 'spiders' which trawl the web looking for information about websites.
Besides relevance and importance, Google also looks at popularity. The algorithm uses the information the spiders bring back to calculate where a website will land on the rankings. Search Engine Optimization is all about ensuring that the Google Spiders find what they need to ensure that your website ranks highly on a Google search when search terms relevant to your site are entered. Basically this is the way Search Engine Optimization will help your website to be found on Google.
The actual algorithm Google uses is a closely guarded secret, but there are guidelines that can ensure that Search Engine Optimization will help your website to be found on Google. The most important criterion is content. You must have content rich pages on your website, that are relevant, well-written and make use of keyword and phrases, along with the relevant Metatags the Google spiders look for.
There are people who use what is known as Black Hat seo, such as keyword stuffing, in a bid to 'fool' the bots so as to ensure that Google pays attention to their site. This is bad for your credibility, and Google is wise to this practice - in the long run it will hurt not help you. If you want Search Engine Optimization that will help your website to be found on Google, you may want specialist help.
SEO is a very complex field, with trends that change all the time, and expert advice can be invaluable. Make sure you use a specialist with a proven track record in seo, so that you can provide the best in Search Engine Optimization that will help your site to be found on Google.
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