SEO Article Marketing Secrets

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Article Marketing 101

Article Marketing 101

Article Marketing 101
Article Marketing 101

By John Quirk

Article marketing is probably one of the best marketing solutions out there. If you want to see great results you have to start by writing a superb article. For some it may not be that easy so here are a couple of pointers on how to write a great article to find that success you want in marketing.

One thing that can make or break an article is the topic. The topic is extremely important because you don't want to write about a topic that no one is looking for. You want to find a topic that others will find interesting and useful. Make sure your topic is related to your niche and also lets you show your expertise.

When you're writing the article, think about helping out your readers instead of just informing. Don't give them general information that they can find elsewhere but use your knowledge on the topic to make a guide for them. You'll show that you are knowledgeable in the field and you also have experience.

Set out a game plan for your article. Having a rough draft or a layout of what you want to write about will prevent you from getting stuck in the middle of the article. Make a list of what you want to write in the article and just arrange it in the order you find the best. This will save you a lot of your time and energy.

Make sure your article doesn't turn into a novel. You want to make it short and sweet but for it to have those hitting facts and important information. If your article is too long people won't have the patience to sit there and read the whole thing. You could have the best article on the web but if people are closing your article and going elsewhere, no one will realize that and you will get nowhere. You also have to make sure it's not to short because you might not have all the important information in the article.

What you don't want to do is copy content you found on the web. Make sure all of your content is unique because you will definitely not get away with copying someone else's work with all the tools out there preventing such scenarios. Plus, if you had extensible knowledge on the topic wouldn't you want to show how much you know and not what someone else does?

Finally, don't finish your article with a sales pitch. Yes, the reason for making the article is to make sales on products but doing so within the article is a big no-no. Readers will see that you are trying to sell something and will get defensive. Give people knowledge and slowly build up to the sales pitch once you have earned their trust.

Article Source:

How to Build Backlinks

Backlink SEO Success Secrets

Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

Free Backlinks and SEO Tips

SEO Article Marketing Secrets

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