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Friday, March 23, 2012

Effective Ways to Optimize Flash Sites - Business

It is a known fact that crawler-based search engines do not like images or flashy content matter because they can only read and index pages containing information in text format. Hence the SEO pundits advice struggling webmasters to use HTML formats instead of using images, flash, or Java scripts for optimizing your flashy sites for crawler-based search engines, as they cannot read.swf files (used in flash sites).

Never ever dream of replacing important text and keywords in your website with flash material, images or java scripts as it can literally kill your website's ranking. Hence, you are advised to include more keyword phrases in your domain names, URLs, file names, headlines, description and keyword meta tag, in the web page titles, etc, and strictly discourage the use of Java scripts, images or flash content for directing you from one page to another - because they know that search engines can read, crawl and index only text format and no format other than text.

Macromedia flash animations may be very impressive, but they will in no way improve your search engine visibility. Therefore, reduce your over-reliance on using flashy matter in your website. If at all it is unavoidable to eliminate the flashy matter from your website then at least ensure that you are including flash movies and not building flash sites because flash movies can at least have backups in the forms of HTML documents that are placed inside the flash movies for improving the visibility of your flashy material to the search engines.

There are 3 ways of optimizing flashy sites -1. First option is to simultaneously build two versions of your site - Flash (.swf format) and HTML format to improve your site's visibility to the crawler-based search engines.2. Second option is to build more flash movies and not flash sites. For this, first of all you should create your site in HTML format and then incorporate flash movies instead of images, buttons, frames and banners.3. Third option is to participate in some kind of pay-per-click programs available with most search engines, in order to increase your search engine visibility.

If you are interested in learning more about the different ways of optimizing flashy sites, then you can refer to LinkVana, which provides you with the best options and ideas for optimizing your website even though it may contain flashy matter. Refer to any LinkVana review and see how a large number of customers have benefited from the great diversity and relevance of SEO related information that is offered by their website.

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