SEO Article Marketing Secrets

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

free seo tutorial for beginners - Internet

{|seo tutorial for beginners -|Hello guys , in my this tutorial , i will write everything you need to do for seo , i will write all tricks and tutorials for seo in one article , if you understood my this article then it mean you have learnt complete seo just in one article .|i had written this seo tutorial for beginners exactly , and have written everything in short .|oks let's start learning seo -||suppose that you have a site then all you need to do now -|[1] Use nice Keywords - Suppose that you have a site on music , t hen do you know , what people write in google for searching about music ? definetaly no , therefore first you should know , which keywords to use , simpally go to google and search for "google adwords keyword tool" , now go to first result of google . ok , this is the google's keyword tool . search any thing in it and it will tell you , how much searches happen on any keyword . Now all you need to do , is to select any 5 or 6 nice keywords and you have to use they keywords in your site's content .|||[2]Directory Submission - Oks, now you have a site with proper content , now you need to send its name to various search engines , simpally go to|"" and send your site name to many search engines , this thing is importaint so that your website would be appeared in search engines , when searched .|||[3]Link Building - this is the most importaint thing , you must and must send your site url to 1000 of other sites , because this is the only thing , works most for your site and this thing is called back link building , now for back link building and other tutorials , simplally visit below given link for link building and other tutorials for complete and perfect seo .Always remember, back links are the most importaint factor for a proper seo , therefore you should must and must create backlinks for your website , and for this you need to write your article and should post it on article submission site.let me describe whole the thing in easire way.suppose that you own a blog on sports then write a article is combination of a title and some text regarding your website . Always remember, back links are the most importaint factor for a proper seo , therefore you should must and must create backlinks for your website , and for this you need to write your article and should post it on article submission site.let me describe whole the thing in easire way.suppose that you own a blog on sports then write a article is combination of a title and some text regarding your website . my this post is also a article :D doing article submission is super simple . simpally go to below written websites and find "submit article" button and give your article there let me come to the tricky point . suppose that you wrote your complete article now in last of your article give hyperlink of your all blogs/websites , suppose that you own 6 blogs then make a hyperlink for all of them in keywordthis way .. and if you will write your article like this , then your every article will contain 6 hyperlink of your blog :)no technique for seo search engine optimization can be better than this techniques .suppose that you own 6 blogs then you should write 6 articles and should post all of your article on below written article submission sites . below are 20 most famous and google optimized article submission sites . go on them and make 6 post on each of them and every article must have hyperlink of your all blogs .now just think , if you do this then in a total of 20*6*6=720 backlinks of your website is made , just with some hour labour . what can be better than this ? nothing :)now i am sure , you have gone a big fan of me , actually the same technique i follow for my every blog or website and they are at top .below are they 20 article submission sites .click here for link building tutorial 1 click here for another best tutorial

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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