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Thursday, May 3, 2012

3 SEO Mistakes That Will Get You Google Slapped - Search Engines - SE Optimization

Finding ways to entice traffic to your site regularly is a primary element for the success of any online business. A great way to receive plenty of traffic is to learn what appeals to search engines so people can find your site more easily. Unfortunately, instead of working on legitimate tactics to appeal to search engines, some Internet marketers aim at fooling them. This is the reason many websites get banned by Google and other major search engines. Yet there are some webmasters who aren't aware that the tactics they're using are unethical. In each case a lack of knowledge can be ascribed as the cause of such bad decisions. While it's great to learn new seo tactics, you also need to know which ones you should avoid. This article will look at some of the seo mistakes you should keep in mind when you're optimizing your own site.

You will want to stay away from the first seo mistake and that's to stay away from too much flash. While a flash on a website may look neat, it doesn't help you any with SEO. While flash looks neat for those humans reading your site, it's invisible to search engines so your site isn't likely to get crawled.

Search engine spiders are looking for content and they'll go elsewhere if they don't find any. This is the only way to rank high. Flash can really dress up your site and you don't have to get rid of it completely if you just use some graphics along with the text so that the search engines approve. If you add more text, your site will do better.

The second big mistake is internally linking your pages wrong. Your site's internal linking is all in your hands and it is an additional factor that you have 100% control over. Not only will your web pages rank higher, which results in more traffic but you will make your site more user friendly to its visitors. Your linking strategy can be your secret weapon that shoots you past your competition because most of them aren't utilizing it. Honestly, you probably won't find another seo technique that will give you such all around good results. If you want your new pages to get indexed fast then this is the way to go. Many authority sites are masters at internal linking and that is one of the reasons why all of their pages usually have the spots 1 or 2 on the first page; an example would be Wikipedia.

Another seo error that many webmasters make is writing an irrelevant site title and a poor site description, which can both be detrimental to your search engine rankings. Your title and description are used by the search engines to determine your site's theme and rank it accordingly. Compared to how they were a few years back, search engines have evolved and grown to encompass more complex algorithms and more stringent criteria for ranking highly, so be vigilant about the details. Overall, successful SEO methods can be boiled down to several small elements and tactics designed to work well together to provide you with results. Blackhat tactics can be very tempting, with their promise of instant results and improved rankings almost immediately, but you also risk getting your site banned with these unethical methods. Focus on the more reliable Whitehat SEO methods that will bring you targeted traffic and improved search engine results for the long term and won't get you banned.

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