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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Advertise Your Web Design Business with Article Marketing

Article Marketing for Web Design - Topics and Keywords

Picking topics and keywords to write about your web design business should not be hard. Open your favorite keyword research tool, such as Wordtracker, and input "web design." You can write about different aspects of web design, coding, graphic design, and website usability. If you target your web design business to particular types of businesses, you can also write about them. For example, if you design websites for small business owners, you can write about various small business resources and methods.article marketingfor Web Design - Where to Put the Articles

If advertising is your purpose in writing these marketing articles, you must put them where they will attract interested people. article marketing depends largely on popular article directories such as Ezine Articles. However, you can also post your articles in blogs and on forums that pertain to your industry. Writing informative and interesting articles is vital to advertising your web design business.Article Marketing for Web Design - What to Avoid

Remember that your goal in article marketing is to entice people to hire your web design skills. You want to create a need and an interest in your services. Do not write articles telling people how to design websites! If you do that, you risk destroying the need for your services. Do not write articles about coding techniques, graphic design, or website style with a focus on how to do it.

Besides not giving away web design trade secrets, never write an article that sounds like an advertisement for your web design business. article marketing experts recommend that your company or what you do is not mentioned at all in the body of the article. Instead, insert a call to action and web design business link in the author's biography at the end of the article.

You can advertise your web design business with article marketing. By focusing on style and usability issues, and the possible businesses that may like your web design skills, you will attract potential customers without giving them the tools to avoid your web design business entirely.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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