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Saturday, June 2, 2012

How To Make Money Using FREE Blogs

Make Money With FREE Blogs

Hello and welcome to my 'Make Money With FREE Blogs' information and help article. My name is Joshua and I have been an internet marketer for over 2 years- which may not see like a long time, but I began my Internet Marketing career using NOTHING BUT FREE BLOGS.

In this article I will provide you with some great free blogging platforms that I STILL USE to create free traffic and make sales on a daily basis. I will also show you what separates free blogs from paid blogs and how you can STILL get your free blogs ranked with search engines, like Google and Yahoo.

Best FREE Blogger Platforms

lthough there are so many different free blogs that we can use -it is so important to use the blogs that have been shown respect from google and other major search engines. See, the best free blogs will actually get ranked just like paid domains and paid hosted blogs.

My favorite is Wordpress.Com. Because it has such a great reputation for providing nothing but helpful and really useful information - it gets ranked higher and faster than ANY other free blog. But they are also pretty strict when it comes to placing affiliate links inside the Wordpress Blog posts. Which is a huge reason why search engines really like these free blogs.

Another free blogging platform I really like, is Blogger. Eventhough you are allowed to place all the affiliate links you want inside them - blogspot blog's also get ranked quite frequently with the proper linking strategies and alot of great content. Here are a few other great FREE Platforms:

Livejournal Movable Type Typepad Wetpaint Squidoo Hubpages

You get links to all these great, free blogging platforms at the link below:

FREE Blogs That Make Money

Optimize FREE Blogging Platforms

Even when we pay for domain names and paid hosting - you always need to create linking strategies and create blogs with plenty of relevant and related content.

When I used to depend on getting my free blogs ranked - I would start off by creating atleast 7-10 blog posts- using very helpful material and related keywords. A good trick for this, is to create 5 posts right away. Then I woiuld suggest that you add a post every OTHER day. This will give the perception that you are ALWAYS adding great, quality content to your blogs.

Creating alot of posts is our first step- the next step, is to link to ALL THESE POSTS.

For each page, I need you to write an article- using the same title of the post in your article. Make the first link in the article go to the page you are promoting- then, at the bottom, create a link to the free blogs homepage. This is a great way to divide and conquer.

I almost NEVER link to the same post twice in any 1 article- its a waste of links.

Helpful Linking Tip - Social Bookmarking

Now, before you even create your first blog post or article, it is a great idea to create some profiles at the top 5 social bookmarking sites -like:

Jamespot Jumptags Friendfeed PingFM Del-I-Cious Stumbelupon

There are many, many more. But once you create accounts to these outstanding bookmarking sites - you need to bookmark each and EVERY article, blogpost and anything else you create. This will get your sites and articles indexed so much faster -and these bookmarking sites will get ranked as well as provide relevant, and important links to your blogs.

You can get complete and more in-depth information for these free blogging strategies and more at the 'How To Make Money With Blogs'.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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