Consider this analogy: Farmers prepare the soil and plant seeds. While harvesting, they find that some areas of their fields produce better than others. If all areas produced equally they would see better profits at harvest time. With the aid of electronic technology, farmers have dramatically increased their crop yields.
Global positioning systems (GPS) and other electronic tools enable them to monitor the harvest yield in real-time to determine areas in their fields that need special attention. With this data, they can control fertilizer applications to get maximum yield throughout their land. The results make a big impact on their bottom line.
Online businesses have similar problems. Websites often have multiple pages. Some pages produce better results than others. There are tools to monitor web site traffic to identify the pages that are getting the most attention. Insights lead to changes needed in the content, design, and promotion of the website to improve its effectiveness.
Following are three easy-to-implement tools that can help drive more traffic to a website.
1. Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a free tool from Google that can track website traffic. It is comprehensive and provides information about the popularity of the individual pages, about the ads that have been clicked to arrive at the website, and other pertinent information. The tracking information gives insights on needed changes to yield better results.
To install Google Analytics go to /analytics/sign_up.html and sign up for the Program. After filling out the form, a program code is assigned. Copy the code and paste it below the body on each page in the website that needs to be tracked. Tracking results can be checked and the report can be sent to as many users as necessary.
2. Alexa
Alexa is another free tool that has many similar features. Go to the Alexa site at in the "Search" section and enter the URL of the site to be tracked. Alexa will provide data regarding the traffic to the website, distribution of visitors, location-related information, and other aspects that help in making decisions. It can also give comparative data on competitors websites. In the "Developer's Corner", click on "Link Report" and enter an email address to which the report should be delivered.
3. Business Builder Web cast
A Business Builder Web cast is a new generation pre-sales tool that very effectively captures the attention and interest of potential customers. Once a prospect is interested, he or she is likely to make a telephone call, send an email, or click on a link that takes them directly to the target website. Although the web cast is not free, it is very affordable for small businesses.
It is easy to implement and requires no additional investment in capital equipment or staff. Built-in tracking features provide information beyond that identified by Google and Alexa. To see examples of a Business Builder Webcast, click on online business websites.
In summary, there are three tools that can be used to help increase website traffic. They are Google Analytics, Alexa, and a Business Builder Webcast. These tools are easily implemented and will provide valuable insights leading to improved website traffic.
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