SEO Article Marketing Secrets

Learn the best SEO Article Marketing Secrets for using article directories and article submissions for free backlinks and traffic.

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Monday, January 21, 2013

Link Building Tips That Will Point You In The Right Direction - Search Engines - Link Popularity

Link building is an essential part of search engine optimization, without which it wouldn't be really possible to get high rankings. Plus there are different approaches to doing that, but you'll find that some people will naturally gravitate toward what they like to do. There are paid and free methods, but free only implies not spending money - but you will spend your time doing it. In order to keep up with the changing markets, you will have to be updated about new link building methods. The competition online is fierce, especially when you're trying to rank your website, and that's why focusing on high quality link building is important. Continue on to find out how you can start getting good quality backlinks to your sites.

All backlinks do have some amount of value, but some have more than others; and the second kind have relevance. We have all seen sites and blogs that linked to sites on different topical themes. The main purpose of every search engine is to give you highly accurate results when you search for something. Ok, same concept, but the thing is that your backlinks will give you more link juice when they originate from same theme sites. Sites that are not building links the right way are in fact penalized, so all the hard work goes into vain. The best strategy is to always aim for relevant backlinks, but do get all you can to look natural. Article directories give you a good opportunity to create helpful one way links. If you are looking for a cost free way to get quality backlinks from authority sites, you can't do any better than the article directories. Every article you publish with a directory can include at least one link to your site in the resource box, and some directorie s even allow links within the article itself. When you publish articles, of course, you will not only be getting one way links, but some direct traffic from the directories themselves. Furthermore, these links will be coming from content that you've created, so you can make optimal use of this.

There is another category of sites that serves us well for backlinks, and that is the online directory. Sure, there's work involved with it just like anything else in online marketing, but you will like yourself later for doing it. Probably your best bet is simply do a search for various directories including those in your niche. Free Link Building Software

Building backlinks is the major driving force for ranking highly in the search engines. There are so many opinions around the net, so do your own research on this, but you really will see the best results if you only put quality content into your site and articles. If you want anything to rank, no matter what it is, then you must learn proper link building strategies.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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