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Sunday, January 20, 2013

What Is Deep Linking And How Can You Make It Part Of Your Seo Link Building Strategies? - Website Promotion - Online Promotion

SEO involves many different terms and concepts that not everyone understands.

One of the terms that comes up but can often be overlooked in link building is the concept known as Deep Linking. Deep linking is a fairly simple concept to understand though.

Essentially deep linking works like this: just as people use different techniques such as article marketing, website directories, social bookmarking and so on to build links to a websites homepage these same techniques can be used to build links to the content within a website.

Suppose for example your website has a lot of content within it that you would like people to know about. Articles, blog posts or products you may have for sale. All of this content exists on separate pages with URL's all of their own. Building links these individual pages instead of linking to your home page is known as deep linking.

So why would we want to link to pages on a website other than the home page. Well the why is fairly simple. There are many reasons that people may want to visit your website and often one of those reasons exist on the pages within the website. Your content is what they may be searching for not just your home page.

Deep linking is about creating links to pages within a website but what it is really about is bringing website visitors in through the back door. Not everyone needs to enter through the front door. The important thing is to get them to come through a door in the first place.

So the concept of deep linking cannot be overlooked when promoting a website and its contents. Content has always been a key component to building website traffic but just having the content is not enough. You need to expose that website content to as many people as possible.

Building deep links will help you expose that content to search engines and you'll quickly find your back door being opened up a lot.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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