SEO Article Marketing Secrets

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Free Link Building Tools - Climb Higher In Google For Free - Marketing - Marketing Tips

If you are involved in internet marketing you will know the necessity of building links to your website, article, or post for both increasing your search engine rankings and direct traffic hits. There are several ways to do this including social networking however as my business is generally based around blogging and article marketing this article with focus on the free link building tools that relate to them. I should also mention that all the methods used are 'white hat' and Google will not slap you for using them.

1) Sharing Your Article

When I have finished a post on my blog the first thing I do is share it with the social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook as well as various social bookmarking sites I am registered with, such as Delicious, Digg, and Stumble. For a blog there are various free plugins that will help you with this and most article directories also have this facility. While not really one of my free link building tools you can also get tools you pay for that automate the whole sharing system.

2) Use Social Bookmarking Group

I belong to a couple of groups which are designed to share each others bookmarks by other members of your group bookmarking your article. With these many times there are free accounts and paid accounts, the free ones usually require more manual work than the paid ones and have a few restrictions but they achieve the result of getting a large number of links pointing to your article.

3) Using Multiple Directories To Point To Your Article

You can include links from several different articles or videos to point to one article. This is a very good idea if you have an article that is already ranking fairly highly in the search engines and you want to push it just that little bit further. Finding some free article submission software makes this process easier however DO NOT post duplicate content online.

4) Posting Your Articles On Other Peoples Blogs

One of my newest free link building tools is a service that will post my articles on other peoples blogs with two links. Google really likes blogs and a link back to your article from one, particularly one with a high Page Rank, provides quite a bit of 'link juice' to your article. As with Social Bookmarking groups there are free and paid membership's with the free membership requiring extra work and having some restrictions.

Using the above free methods I can get a significant number of external links pointing to my article and so increasing its search rank.

While the above do have versions that need to be paid for, if you can handle the advertising the free versions are excellent for those just getting started in internet marketing and also for those who are new to link building.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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