SEO Article Marketing Secrets

Learn the best SEO Article Marketing Secrets for using article directories and article submissions for free backlinks and traffic.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Smart SEO Strategies for Quick Link Building - Search Engines - SE Optimization

The better the number of backlinks you have the greater your website has a chance of ranking in search engines. This stands true even today but its not just links rather quality backlinks which can earn you first page placements in major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. All this will depend upon the smart seo strategy which you adopt and besides some good links you could also earn some Google Juice which will enable your website to get some wonderful page ranks which could go a long way towards improving the marketability of your website.

Let me tell you inbound links have more importance as compared to outbound links so just follow some of my seo tips for building links and your website could top the charts of search engines and attract visitors to your website.

Given below are some of my personal seo strategies which I adopt for creating backlinks for my website.

Directory Submission

This is an old age seo technique for gaining backlinks which seems to have lost some sheen in today's scenario but you can bank upon it for gaining some harmless links. Though free links can take a few months to get accepted but believe me it will worth the wait.

Article Submission

Another good seo technique for building links which could get cached within a short period of time as compared to directories. Just opt for some good article directories and you could end up with around three links per article. Please refrain from self promotional articles or your efforts could go down the drain. Thumb rule is to write general articles and you could end up gaining some valuable links for your website.

Blog comments

Once in a while you can post some intelligent comments on high PR blogs which can earn you some page rank juice besides links also. If implemented smartly this SEO strategy can get you some high page rank by the next update.

Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking sites are another way to increase your link count but don't overdo it or you might end up with their wrath. Over a period of time several spam sites have used social bookmarking websites as a dumping ground for their links but if you act within restraint you could use them as a way to give a push to your link count. Another smart SEO strategy but please don't overdo it or you could get penalized.

Link Exchange

This SEO technique can also be used but it should not be overdone and you should only end up exchanging links with websites having a PR same as your website or higher than it as only then it will prove beneficial for your website.

Trade Links

Though search engines don't approve of such technique and label it under black hat SEO technique but one or two links purchased from websites of repute could do well for the ranking and PR of your website.

Just follow some of my link building tips and experience a change in the positioning and traffic statistics of your website within a short period of time.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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