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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Finding A Suitable Search Engine Optimisation Job - Careers

Finding a suitable search engine optimization job is not an easy matter. Most companies will use somebody in house who knows a bit about search optimization and who can pick the rest up either online or through a short professional development course. There are companies who advertise for seo executives but they are few and far between.

Search engine optimization is still a bit of a mystery for many companies and so their web page sits there, it may bring them the occasional query, but by and large business goes on much as before - as if the internet had not really happened. When they do wake up to the fact that they need somebody to make their website viable, they will usually hire a contractor.

A great deal of seo work is contracted out. Companies are set up to offer seo services but these services are usually outsourced to freelancers - hence the constantly growing demand for web content writers who have some understanding of how the search engines work. If a company wants more than optimized content, then they will probably hire someone to do the work. Rarely do companies employ somebody just to undertake search engine optimization on a long term or permanent basis. Most advertisements requiring seo want it on a consultancy or contract basis - i.e. they don't want to put you on their payroll, they just want to get someone in, pay for the service and leave it at that.

Most seo 'companies' who advertise their services online are usually just a couple of people working together. These SEO experts will help an individual or a company set up their website so that it is search engine friendly - most of them would rather be involved with setting up the website at the beginning so that it has the right meta tags and the keywords reflect the meta tags, and the content reflects the keywords. Once all this is done and the website is submitted to the search engines, online directories, and where pertinent social book marking sites, the SEO job is done. The company will either write their content in house or outsource it to web content writers.

Finding a suitable search engine optimization job as you can see from the above is not a simple process if what you want is a steady job with an annual salary. Most SEO experts operate on a freelance basis advertising their services. You are more likely to see advertisements offering to undertake search engine optimization than you are to see job offers in this area.

Proper search engine optimization involves a number of different tasks many of which only need to be done once, under these circumstances most individuals or companies would prefer to pay someone a flat rate for a one off service. This is a much cheaper way of doing things than having someone on the payroll all the time.

SEO companies are beginning to emerge, rather than advertise for an SEO executive they will advertise for a specific part of the process, setting up sites, site submission, posting, writing optimised content, redesign sites so that they are optimised. Finding a suitable search engine optimization job under these circumstances means having some knowledge of how advertisements for these jobs might be worded. So you have the option of advertising your services and being paid on a contract basis, or looking out for advertisements that relate to the areas mentioned in this paragraph and applying for those.

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