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Friday, December 28, 2012

Philadelphia SEO: How to Easily Create SEO Friendly Video Subtitles for YouTube - Internet

Did you know that adding subtitles to a video makes it more accessible to viewers? Most major YouTube partners, including BBC Worldwide, MIT, and CNET are already onboard this trend. Besides helping your audience discover you online, subtitles increase the amount of time users spending watching a video up to 40%. Some studies have shown that 80% more people watch a video in entirety when subtitles are included. These studies are an important advertising indicator, especially for videos with a branding message or important call to action at the end of the video.

Subtitles also have a significant impact on video viewership when videos are viewed on mute.Philadelphia seo Firms also recommend the addition of subtitles to videos because the target viewers??other businesses??aren??t always allowed to use audio in the office. Subtitles are effective in conveying a video message without sound.This is especially important for video advertising for B2B marketers.

You're not limited to titles, tags and descriptions to help search engines find your video content.YouTube??s subtitle feature allows viewers to toggle captions on or off, while the info remains visible to search engines.Adding SEO-focused subtitles and headlines to videos grab the attention of your Internet audience??as well as search engines.Subtitles break up your text to create manageable, readable pieces of content??a considerable benefit to readers.

Subtitles also allow for the addition of focused seo keywords that draw the attention of search engines. Philadelphia seo experts know that keywords are essential for search engine optimization, and subtitles help search engines spider, or index, your video content.Search engines can find and read your subtitle text, and then link back to your YouTube video, boosting your web visibility.By taking the time to optimize your subtitles, your videos will pull in more visitors.

More people are becoming aware of how useful captions can be. Captions not only help the deaf and hearing impaired, but with machine translation, they also enable people around the world to access video content in 51 languages. Captions can also improve users?? search results, and can enable users to jump to the exact parts of the videos they're looking for.

Philadelphia seo companies recommend incorporating YouTube subtitles into your seo efforts. The process can be a bit tedious, but it??s simple overall.After you upload a video, YouTube generates a rough transcript, which you can then download and edit. After typing up your desired captions and timestamps, upload the document to YouTube. Your subtitles should then be visible to search engines, as well as your audience.

How to Add Subtitles to a YouTube Video:

Upload your video to YouTubeSelect ??Edit captions/subtitles,?? and download the default subtitles YouTube has generated for your video.These are usually a bit off, and you'll need to edit them. Open the file, and type in your desired subtitles and timestamps.Upload the caption file, and view your video on your profile.Your subtitles should appear.(Ensure you??ve hit the ??CC?? closed caption button to reveal the subtitles).

Another Option: How To Add Subtitles to a YouTube Video

Upload your video to YouTube.Head to, and log in with your Google account (your Gmail name & password).Import your video by selecting either ??Personal Video?? or ??Specific Video.??Now, you can manually type in your subtitles, viewing the video as you go. You??ll be able to see precise caption start times and durations.Click ??Publish,?? and download the caption file.Upload the caption file to YouTube, and view your video on your profile.Your subtitles should appear after you have hit the ??CC?? button.

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