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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Planning to Start your Own Search Engine Optimization Service Company - Technology - Communication

Getting their website to appear in the top ten results of Google, Yahoo or MSN search is worth big bucks to any company who is doing their marketing online. If you know how to optimize websites to get top search engine ranking, your services will be very precious and of great interest to many online companies. You will have to be very well-informed and knowledgeable about search engines, their ranking algorithms, and the keyword phrase selection and allocation process.

If at all you decide to start this type of business, you will have to spend money for the design, development, and hosting of your Website, a high-speed Internet connection, computer hardware, computer software, and of course a printer. Other costs that you may incur are associated to the campaigning of your Website. Initially you may be able to work at this type of business part-time, but as your clientele increase, you might have to work with your business full-time. The search engine ranking criteria, their weighting, and elements included in their algorithms change on a regular basis. Hence, it is very important for you to stay current. Because, you're only as good as your last search engine optimization job!

Tips to market your Search Engine Optimization Business* Optimize your own website to appear at the top of the results when someone does a search on "search engine optimization services."* Develop and build as many links as possible from Websites, directories, and metaindexes related to your target market. There are thousands of Internet marketing and business service-related sites on the Internet that would provide a great linking opportunity for your site. These sites can also provide highly targeted traffic to your site.* Take part in newsgroups and discussion forums related to Internet marketing and online business. Remember to use a cleverly designed signature file with a catchy tagline and hypertext link that will send newsgroup readers to your site.* Display your professionalism and generate awareness for your services by providing valuable contributions to Internet marketing and online business-related mail lists and e-zines.* Launching a monthly Search Engine Subm ission Tips newsletter or e-zine would be a great way for you to stay in touch with your current clients and potential customers. You can also offer this via e-mail or RSS. Offering sound advice is a great way to enhance your corporate image. When your newsletter readers implement your suggested submission techniques, they will want to check their results.One way to earn additional income for your seo business is by offering a search engine submission service. This service would complement your current business practice. Because link popularity is becoming such a strong element in the ranking criteria of a number of the search engines, you might also consider providing an online marketing service that includes generating links to the client's site.

By: Francis David

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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