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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Top 5 mistakes that result in the search for low score - Marketing - Marketing Tips

Web-based companies are focusing their efforts on search engines, with good reason, because most customers these days are not surfing, they are seeking. Searchengines are the keywords you want to take a client and provide the most relevant results you can find. Owning a small or medium sized business, you want your site listed and found the specific terms that are closer to your product. But what if you're at the top and want to be? This article describes the 10 most common mistakes that often result in low engine rankings or no search.

5. Housing problems - slow server.

With over four million websites and growing, the internet is a very busy place. Search engines try to keep up, but do not really have time to be indexed at all. If your server is a bit slow, the robot that indexes your website will start, but may time out during the process. The best way to combat this problem is to change hosting companies only. A slow server means a slow site, which is equal to dissatisfied customers.

4. Optimization of the poor - Hidden text at the bottom of the pages.

A few years ago, it used to be quite common for websites to include hidden, keyword rich text at the bottom of your pages. The aim was to match the text color for the background color for search engines to read all these great keywords, and a client should not see the mess. However, search engines no longer pay attention to the text that is hidden, and many sites have been penalized by the search engines for the use of such tactics. Instead of trying to fool a search robot, it is best just to each page of your site rich in keyword density in the right way.

3. Poor Optimization - Using the wrong keywords

Choosing the right keywords can often be a difficult process. There are many terms and combinations of terms that must be replaced by others of my business better? Step into the shoes of a customer: he was trying to find your product / service, what you type into a search engine? This is different from the words we use to describe your business. This is where many companies lose focus. Choose words that reflect your corporate identity. For example, instead of plaster "Bike Mike" throughout your site, try to use terms such as: custom motorcycles, fast bikes or motorcycle dealer. Choosing general keywords that may fit the criteria for a search client. Include geographic qualifiers such as "Sacramento motorcycle dealer," because many people are looking for local businesses in your area these days.

2. Content Issues - Do not use frames.

This concept is quite simple when using frames on your website, searchengines can not read the text inside the box. This creates a major problem, because search engines are not able to understand what the focus of their web pages are, and not to elect any of their valuable content. It is best to completely avoid frames. There are many ways to design a site that functions as you wish, but it is also attractive to searchengines.

1. Patience is a virtue.

If you have gotten to the end in the first nine tips and still having problems, maybe giving search engines a little time will help. The amount of time it takes for a searchengine to show its place in the classification may take up to a year and depends on factors such as the history of the URL of your website, new links pointing their way, and updates content. A new website should sit for a few months while the searchengines to verify the credibility of the site. With so many new sites are launched every day, spam, many search engines must carefully choose which offer valuable content before placing them in their search results.

Hopefully these tips can help boost in the searchengines sooner rather than later. The most important thing to remember is do not try to fool the searchengines, and eventually will succeed and penalize your site, an event that your company can not afford! The impact of search rankings for high traffic to your site and attract potential customers is enormous. The rules of each searchengine changes daily, can be a good idea to hire a professional to handle the content and search engine optimization of your company website.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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