SEO Article Marketing Secrets

Learn the best SEO Article Marketing Secrets for using article directories and article submissions for free backlinks and traffic.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Article Directory Submitting - Marketing

Deciding on an effective and economical advertising method doesn't need to be a hassle. Just prepare articles for directory submission and increase your online business visibility on the internet.

Directory submission simply means the writing of articles (relating to your business) and submitting them to numerous article directories. This brings in a constant stream of targeted traffic who will visit you site and ultimately buy your products or services. Furthermore, there is no cost for this plan unless you are paying for the writing of the articles themselves.

There's a couple of good reasons to use this marketing method:

Attracts The Search Engine Spiders:All search engines use certain algorithms (programs) to find the type of content they see as valuable. These algorithms or programs are called Search Engine Spiders. They are the tools through which search engine "crawl" your site and find the content that is indexed allowing your website to be shown in the search engines for certain search terms. By directory submission, you can add many keyword rich articles that are then linked to your website through the description and especially through the resource information. The major search engines each have ways of tracking and quantifying the value of the keywords you use as well as the links to your site. Visitors to your site strengthen the importance of your web site, thus bringing even more visitors and by extension - customers for your product or service.

Indexing Your Website :Website indexing is a process of ranking or listing your website so that it is noticed by the search engines. Directory submission makes it possible to speed up the indexing process and once indexed, to improve the rankings in the indexes. Each search engine has different algorithms to measure the level at which the web page meets the defined standards for quality. You can improve your chances of an effective index for your web site by using a service that specialize in preparing and submitting articles to various directories.

Economics:Sites which offer article submission (usually article directories) come in two styles; free to use and not free to use. Depending upon your budget, you can use either type of directory website effectively. It may seem somewhat obvious to say that the free sites are the best ones to use. After all, free is a pretty good price. But consider that if a site is charging you to put content on there, then the site must be very popular and in demand (or just arrogant), and if a site is in very high demand then it it fairly likely to assume that it will be favoured by the search engines and will actually be of greater benefit to you.

Beating the competition: Whether you love it or hate it, its hard to reasonably deny that there's a lot of competition out there for online business. If you have been somewhat struggling to keep on top of that competition, then using articles - published to high ranking directories - is great way to pull in more traffic. A little side note; you should try to make sure that your website actually looks the part and holds onto visitors when they arrive.

Now learn a ton of Article Marketing Tips and Techniques

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